Registered proprietor

Change of name form 10CN, when new name is required to be recorded on the title.


Change of name of a proprietor being removed by a dealing lodged where there is a change of name or discrepancy between a registered proprietor in the First Schedule and an incoming dealing.


Change of name of party remaining on title where there is a change of name or discrepancy on an incoming dealing.


Notice of death form 02ND information and procedures.


Record new registered proprietor s12 Trustee Act 1925 form 04RP information, process and procedure.


Record new registered proprietor s46C Real Property Act 1900 form 04RP information, process and procedure.


Record the mortgagor or charger as registered proprietor information, processes and procedures.


Termination of a life estate upon the death of a life tenant remainderperson may apply to be registered as proprietor of the estate in fee simple upon the death of the life tenant.


Transfer severing a joint tenancy form 01TJ, information, processes and procedures.


Transmission application forms 03AD & 03AE information and procedures.