On 11 October 2021, the Real Property Amendment (Certificates of Title) Act 2021 commenced, which abolished the Certificates of Title (CTs) and the control of the right to deal (CoRD) framework. All existing CTs have been cancelled and CTs will no longer be issued. Existing CTs will not need to be produced, and CoRD holder consent will not be required, for a dealing or plan to be registered. All existing Guidelines subject to this change are currently being reviewed and will be updated to reflect these changes. For further information regarding the abolition of CTs, please see https://www.registrargeneral.nsw.gov.au/property-and-conveyancing/eConveyancing/abolition-of-certificates-of-title

Land dealings change log

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07 October 2015 Planning Agreement Page updated as regards plan annexed to dealing, marginal note (B) and staff processing information.
06 October 2015 Aboriginal Bodies Aboriginal Housing Office section updated.
06 October 2015 Removal of Housing Act restriction Update name from 'Department of Housing' to 'Urban Growth NSW'
24 September 2015 Extinguishment of restrictive covenant pursuant to s81J Real Property Act 1900 New page
21 September 2015 Discharge of Mortgage Staff processing information updated.
21 September 2015 Withdrawal of Caveat Staff processing information updated
21 September 2015 Transfer Update to staff processing information.
18 September 2015 Removal of limitation New Page
18 September 2015 Caveat A caveat by State Debt Recovery pursuant to a charge does not require marking.
26 August 2015 Discrepancies in signatures Table on discrepancy between name of party and form of signature updated.
26 August 2015 Sublease Removed phrase 'including any option to renew' from a sublease of premises for a term exceeding 25 years.
26 August 2015 Lease Removed phrase 'including any option to renew' from a lease of premises for a term exceeding 25 years.
21 August 2015 Notice of Death Marginal Note (E) updated.
20 August 2015 Co-operatives Update legislation
20 August 2015 Procedures Add variation of lease to list of deliverable originals
14 August 2015 Aboriginal Bodies Aboriginal Housing Office section updated
11 August 2015 Caveat Staff processing information updated
10 August 2015 Determination of lease by re-entry Update to Marginal Note (H).
10 August 2015 Planning agreement Update to Marginal Note (H).
10 August 2015 Companies Update to Deregistered companies and Foreign Companies sections
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