On 11 October 2021, the Real Property Amendment (Certificates of Title) Act 2021 commenced, which abolished the Certificates of Title (CTs) and the control of the right to deal (CoRD) framework. All existing CTs have been cancelled and CTs will no longer be issued. Existing CTs will not need to be produced, and CoRD holder consent will not be required, for a dealing or plan to be registered. All existing Guidelines subject to this change are currently being reviewed and will be updated to reflect these changes. For further information regarding the abolition of CTs, please see https://www.registrargeneral.nsw.gov.au/property-and-conveyancing/eConveyancing/abolition-of-certificates-of-title


Deposited plans

Land dealings

Level 1 Item Compiled Plans
Level 2 Item Compiled easement plans
Level 2 Item Compiled subdivision plans
Level 2 Item Compiled consolidation plans
Level 2 Item Partial survey plans
Level 2 Item Areas of compiled residue lots after survey
Level 1 Item Plan types
Level 1 Item Plan preparation
Level 2 Item General standards
Level 2 Item Plan forms
Level 2 Item Dimensions
Level 2 Item Acceptable symbols
Level 2 Item Lettering and linework
Level 2 Item Plan headings
Level 2 Item Numbering of lots and sheets
Level 2 Item Showing physical structures
Level 2 Item Plan statements
Level 2 Item Street addresses
Level 1 Item Subdivision certificates
Level 2 Item General requirements
Level 2 Item Statutory consent authorities
Level 2 Item Plans exempt from subdivision certificate
Level 2 Item Plans requiring subdivision certificate
Level 2 Item De-facto subdivision
Level 1 Item Signatures
Level 2 Item Completing a survey certificate
Level 2 Item Registered proprietors and affected parties
Level 2 Item Signing and witnessing
Level 2 Item Who can sign a plan or instrument?
Level 2 Item Who can witness an execution?
Level 2 Item Signing by minors (person under 18 years of age)
Level 2 Item Example forms of attestation
Level 2 Item Prescribed authorities
Level 2 Item Administration sheet
Level 1 Item Approved forms
Level 1 Item Plan orientation
Level 1 Item Permanent survey marks
Level 1 Item Exemptions by Surveyor General
Level 1 Item Boundary definition
Level 2 Item General principles of boundary definition
Level 2 Item Definition on the plan
Level 2 Item Cadastral definition by coordinate
Level 2 Item Old System boundaries
Level 2 Item Application for boundary determination
Level 2 Item Boundary consents and approvals
Level 2 Item Deferred placement of marks
Level 2 Item Claiming a Sliver Lot
Level 2 Item Slivers
Level 2 Item Surveyor's reports
Level 2 Item Boundary and reference marks
Level 1 Item Linear and artificial boundaries
Level 2 Item Monuments
Level 2 Item Road definition
Level 2 Item Railway boundary definition
Level 2 Item Relocation of boundaries
Level 2 Item Rural boundaries
Level 2 Item Plans of redefinition
Level 1 Item Natural boundaries
Level 2 Item Survey definition of natural boundaries
Level 2 Item Accretion and erosion
Level 2 Item Tidal boundaries (MHWM)
Level 2 Item Non-tidal boundaries
Level 2 Item Consents to natural boundaries
Level 2 Item Landward boundaries of roads and reserves abutting waterways and other natural features
Level 2 Item Rivers forming NSW state boundaries
Level 1 Item Stratum boundaries
Level 2 Item Definitions
Level 2 Item Definition of stratum boundaries
Level 2 Item Examples of stratum boundaries
Level 2 Item Stratum subdivision of a building or part of a building
Level 1 Item Crown plans
Level 2 Item Types of Crown plan
Level 2 Item Plan preparation
Level 2 Item lodgment in NSW LRS
Level 2 Item Crown tenures affecting new plans
Level 2 Item Incomplete purchase
Level 2 Item Perpetual leasehold
Level 2 Item Restrictions on subdivision
Level 2 Item Crown road enclosure plans
Level 1 Item Lease plans
Level 2 Item Lease of premises
Level 2 Item Building premises
Level 2 Item Electrical substations
Level 2 Item Lease for signage
Level 2 Item Retirement villages
Level 2 Item Renewable Energy Leases
Level 2 Item Wind Farms
Level 2 Item Lease of part of land
Level 2 Item Caravan parks and mobile home estates
Level 2 Item Airport sites
Level 2 Item Lease of additional common property or associated land
Level 2 Item Telecommunication sites
Level 2 Item Agricultural leases
Level 2 Item Lease of a road by a roads authority
Level 2 Item Leases affecting Crown land
Level 2 Item Lord Howe Island leases
Level 2 Item Kosciuszko National Park leases
Level 1 Item Pipeline plans
Level 2 Item Permits and licenses
Level 2 Item Plan requirements
Level 1 Item Conversion of Old System
Level 2 Item Old System land
Level 2 Item Possessory title
Level 2 Item Primary Application
Level 2 Item Official Search
Level 2 Item Deposited plans redefining Old System land
Level 2 Item Old System Boundary definition
Level 2 Item Conversion Actions
Level 2 Item Removal of Caution
Level 2 Item Limited titles
Level 1 Item Easements and restrictions
Level 2 Item General principles
Level 2 Item Creating new easements
Level 2 Item General requirements
Level 2 Item New easements
Level 2 Item Easements affecting Old System land
Level 2 Item Easements created by statute
Level 2 Item Easements created by Order of Court
Level 2 Item Easements created by resumption or aquistion
Level 2 Item Easements created by prescription
Level 2 Item Variation of easements
Level 2 Item Extinguishment of easements
Level 2 Item Release by registration of a dealing
Level 2 Item Release by abandonment
Level 2 Item Release by consolidation of tenements
Level 2 Item Sunset clauses
Level 2 Item Extinguishment by Order of Court
Level 2 Item Section 88B instruments
Level 2 Item Definition on a plan
Level 2 Item New or proposed easements
Level 2 Item Existing affecting interests
Level 2 Item Easements affecting natural boundaries
Level 2 Item Easements affecting entirety of a lot
Level 2 Item New restrictions on the use of land and positive covenants
Level 2 Item Easements limited in stratum (height/depth)
Level 2 Item Cross easements
Level 2 Item Creating a cross-easement
Level 2 Item Extending an existing cross-easement
Level 2 Item Definition on the plan
Level 2 Item Extinguishment of a party wall
Level 2 Item Easements for physical structures
Level 2 Item Easement over a track in use
Level 2 Item Easements and restrictions for burial grounds
Level 2 Item Easements affecting Community Schemes
Level 2 Item Easements affecting Limited Torrens Title
Level 2 Item Easement sites shown in early deposited plans
Level 2 Item Easements and positive covenants created over roads
Level 2 Item Easements involving Crown land
Level 2 Item Positive covenants
Level 2 Item Public positive covenants
Level 2 Item Positive covenants for maintenance and/or repair
Level 2 Item Forestry covenants
Level 2 Item Positive covenant for bushfire hazard reduction zone
Level 2 Item Profit à prendre
Level 2 Item Forestry rights
Level 2 Item Enviromental and Conservation Agreements
Level 1 Item Minerals
Level 1 Item Public reserves and drainage reserves
Level 2 Item Public reserves
Level 2 Item Drainage reserves
Level 1 Item Plans annexed to dealings
Level 1 Item Roads
Level 2 Item General principles
Level 2 Item Existing roads in deposited plans
Level 2 Item Right to show frontage
Level 2 Item Deviation from original surveyed position
Level 2 Item Claims to centre line of road (Ad Medium Filum Viae)
Level 2 Item Act 4 William IV No.11 roads
Level 2 Item Opening new public road
Level 2 Item Opening of public roads prior to 1 July 1993
Level 2 Item Road opening by the Roads and Maritime Services
Level 2 Item Acquisitions for road purposes
Level 2 Item Acquisition by road authorities (not the Crown)
Level 2 Item Private application for acquisition of public road
Level 2 Item Plan requirements
Level 2 Item New roads created in a deposited plan
Level 2 Item Plan requirements
Level 2 Item Reference marks for new roads
Level 2 Item Proposed road widening
Level 2 Item Temporary and isolated roads
Level 2 Item Crown roads
Level 2 Item Leases affecting roads
Level 2 Item Minerals under roads
Level 2 Item Closing roads
Level 2 Item Crown public roads
Level 2 Item Council public roads
Level 2 Item Temporary public roads
Level 2 Item Act 4 William IV No.11 roads
Level 2 Item Deposited plans for road closure
Level 1 Item Housing Authorities
Level 2 Item Landcom
Level 2 Item Land and Housing Corporation
Level 1 Item Special purpose plans
Level 2 Item Plans affecting land below the MHWM
Level 2 Item Road and rail tunnel developments
Level 2 Item Irrigation area plans (canal and drainage reserves)
Level 1 Item Plan Lodgment
Level 2 Item Manual lodgment
Level 2 Item Electronic lodgment (NSW LRS Connect)
Level 2 Item Request for urgency (Plans)
Level 2 Item Requisitions
Level 2 Item Rejection and re-instatement of plans
Level 1 Item Preliminary examination
Level 1 Item Amendment
Level 2 Item Alterations to plans prior to registration
Level 2 Item Authorisation to attend to another surveyors plan
Level 2 Item Amendment of a registered plan
Level 2 Item Plans amended reports
Level 2 Item Updating a property address
Level 1 Item Dealing preparation
Level 1 Item Dealing requirements
Level 2 Item Bankruptcy
Level 2 Item Caveats
Level 2 Item Change of name
Level 2 Item Charges
Level 2 Item Charge pursuant to Biosecurity Act 2015
Level 2 Item Charge pursuant to Confiscation of Proceeds of Crime Act 1989
Level 2 Item Charge pursuant to Housing Act 2001
Level 2 Item Charge pursuant to Local Land Services Act 2013
Level 2 Item Charge pursuant to Pesticides Act 1999
Level 2 Item Charge pursuant to Plantations and Reafforestation Act 1999
Level 2 Item Charge pursuant to State Debt Recovery Act 2018
Level 2 Item Charge pursuant to Trees (Disputes Between Neighbours) Act 2006
Level 2 Item Community title schemes
Level 2 Item Conservation agreement
Level 2 Item Covenants
Level 2 Item Crown land
Level 2 Item Death of a registered proprietor
Level 2 Item Determination of title boundary
Level 2 Item Easements
Level 2 Item Forestry rights
Level 2 Item Housing Act notifications
Level 2 Item Leases
Level 2 Item Memorandums
Level 2 Item Memorandum
Level 2 Item Retirement Village Memorandum
Level 2 Item Mortgages
Level 2 Item Native title determination
Level 2 Item Notice of death
Level 2 Item Possessory Application
Level 2 Item Profit à prendre
Level 2 Item Property seizure order
Level 2 Item Property vegetation plan
Level 2 Item Qualified title
Level 2 Item Registered proprietor
Level 2 Item Requests
Level 2 Item Removal of a Retirement Village Notification
Level 2 Item Restrictions on use of land
Level 2 Item Resumptions / acquisitions
Level 2 Item Strata title schemes
Level 2 Item Transfers
Level 2 Item Transmission applications
Level 2 Item Writs
Level 1 Item Notice of Sale form
Level 2 Item NOS form completion
Level 2 Item NOS form amendment
Level 2 Item Area conversion
Level 2 Item Manual Data Entry form
Level 1 Item Components of dealing forms
Level 2 Item Fees
Level 2 Item Land description panel
Level 2 Item Party dealing with the land or interest
Level 2 Item Encumbrances
Level 2 Item Party taking
Level 2 Item Annexures
Level 2 Item Plans annexed
Level 1 Item Dealings involving
Level 2 Item ABN, ACN and ARBN
Level 2 Item Aboriginal bodies and acquisition by an Aboriginal Land Council
Level 2 Item Aboriginal bodies
Level 2 Item Acquisition of land by the New South Wales Aboriginal Land Council or a Local Aboriginal Land Counci
Level 2 Item Dealings involving the New South Wales Aboriginal Land Council or a Local Aboriginal Land Council
Level 2 Item Building societies, credit unions etc
Level 2 Item Community title schemes
Level 2 Item Companies
Level 2 Item Crown land
Level 2 Item Crown land restrictions current legislation
Level 2 Item Crown land restrictions repealed legislation
Level 2 Item Crown land miscellaneous
Level 2 Item Dedicated land and reserves
Level 2 Item Crown land dealings and restrictions
Level 2 Item Covenants
Level 2 Item Prescribed authorities
Level 2 Item Positive covenants
Level 2 Item Restrictions on use of land
Level 2 Item Easements
Level 2 Item Common terms and situations involving easements
Level 2 Item Folios of the Torrens Title Register
Level 2 Item Joint tenants
Level 2 Item Life estates
Level 2 Item Minerals and coal
Level 2 Item Minors
Level 2 Item Managed persons: NSW Trustee and Guardian
Level 2 Item Notations on the Register
Level 2 Item Notifications on the Register
Level 2 Item Profit à prendre and Forestry Rights
Level 2 Item Religious bodies
Level 2 Item Registrar General's Caveat
Level 2 Item Reserves drainage and public
Level 2 Item Resumptions
Level 2 Item Statutory bodies
Level 2 Item Statutory declaration
Level 2 Item Tenants in common
Level 2 Item Tenancy shares shown on the Register
Level 2 Item Trusts
Level 2 Item Verification of identity
Level 1 Item Execution of dealing forms
Level 2 Item Aboriginal Corporations, Aboriginal Associations, The New South Wales Aboriginal Land Council, Local
Level 2 Item Administrator, liquidator, receiver
Level 2 Item Area Health Services and Statutory Health Corporations
Level 2 Item Attorney
Level 2 Item Barrister or solicitor
Level 2 Item Building societies, credit unions etc
Level 2 Item Companies
Level 2 Item Execution under common seal
Level 2 Item Execution without common seal
Level 2 Item Delegation and authorisation
Level 2 Item Discrepancies in signatures
Level 2 Item Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979
Level 2 Item General execution requirements for dealing forms
Level 2 Item Foreign names, characters, language
Level 2 Item Illiterate or incapacitated persons
Level 2 Item Incorporated associations
Level 2 Item Licensed conveyancer
Level 2 Item Local councils
Level 2 Item Managed persons: NSW Trustee and Guardian
Level 2 Item Minors
Level 2 Item Execution of dealings outside NSW
Level 2 Item Order of Court
Level 2 Item Owners Corporation, Association of a Community, Precinct or Neighbourhood Scheme
Level 2 Item Religious bodies
Level 2 Item Execution by a reserve trust
Level 2 Item Statutory declaration
Level 2 Item Statutory bodies
Level 2 Item Witness
Level 1 Item Procedures
Level 2 Item Annexures
Level 2 Item Correspondence and delivery
Level 2 Item Evidence
Level 2 Item Lost documents
Level 2 Item Minute Papers
Level 2 Item Production of documents
Level 2 Item Purchasers Index
Level 2 Item Rejection of dealings
Level 2 Item Requisitions

Strata schemes

Water dealings

Level 1 Item Requirements for a strata plan
Level 1 Item Types of strata plans
Level 1 Item Components of the plan
Level 1 Item Preparing the plan
Level 2 Item Administration sheets
Level 2 Item Location plan
Level 2 Item Floor plan
Level 2 Item Structural boundaries
Level 2 Item Line boundaries
Level 2 Item Stratum statements
Level 2 Item Buildings forming part of the lot
Level 2 Item Encroachments
Level 2 Item Affecting interests and section 88B instruments
Level 1 Item After the scheme has commenced
Level 2 Item Actions
Level 2 Item Strata plan of subdivision
Level 2 Item Subdivision of lots only
Level 2 Item Subdivision of lots and common property
Level 2 Item Subdivision of common property only
Level 2 Item Administration sheets (subdivision)
Level 2 Item Strata plan of consolidation
Level 2 Item Strata plan of building alteration
Level 2 Item Consolidation/change of by-laws
Level 2 Item Change of address for documents
Level 2 Item Change of unit entitlements
Level 2 Item Add land to a scheme
Level 2 Item Remove land from a scheme
Level 2 Item Redefinition of a strata parcel
Level 2 Item Easements
Level 2 Item Restrictions on the use of land
Level 2 Item Positive covenants
Level 2 Item Lease of part of the common property
Level 2 Item Termination of a strata scheme
Level 2 Item Conversion of a strata lot to common property
Level 1 Item Staged development
Level 2 Item Preparing the plan
Level 2 Item Strata development contract
Level 2 Item Preparing the Administration sheets
Level 1 Item Part strata development
Level 2 Item Preparing the plan
Level 2 Item Easements
Level 2 Item Strata management statement
Level 1 Item Leasehold strata plan
Level 2 Item Dealing with the titles
Level 2 Item Expiring the leases
Level 1 Item Registration of the strata plan
Level 1 Item Titles in a strata plan
Level 1 Item Miscellaneous
Level 2 Item By-laws
Level 2 Item Car stackers
Level 2 Item Company title
Level 2 Item Execution by owners corporation
Level 2 Item Initial period
Level 2 Item Mortgages, leases and caveats etc. affecting part
Level 2 Item Permitted survey information
Level 2 Item Pre 1974 plans
Level 2 Item Utility lots
Level 1 Item Approved forms - instructions
Level 2 Item Approved form 7 - Strata Plan by-laws
Level 2 Item Approved form 8 - Strata development contract
Level 2 Item Approved form 9 - Strata management statement
Level 2 Item Approved form 10 - Certificate re initial period
Level 2 Item Approved form 11 - Certificate that owners corporation agrees to the schedule of unit entitlement
Level 2 Item Approved form 12 - Certificate of owners corporation - agreeing to subdivision
Level 2 Item Approved form 13 - Certificate of owners corporation - special resolution
Level 2 Item Approved form 14 - Certificate of owners corporation - creating a benefit or releasing a burden
Level 2 Item Approved form 15 - Notice by Council of proposed subdivision
Level 2 Item Approved form 18 - Revised schedule of unit entitlement
Level 2 Item Approved form 23 - Attestation
Level 1 Item Amendment
Level 2 Item Amendment of a registered plan
Level 1 Item Dealing requirements
Level 2 Item Application to record new registered holder
Level 2 Item Bankruptcy
Level 2 Item Caveats
Level 2 Item Change of name
Level 2 Item Charges
Level 2 Item Death of a registered party
Level 2 Item Instruction by WaterNSW
Level 2 Item Memorandum
Level 2 Item WAL Memorandum legislation
Level 2 Item Mortgages
Level 2 Item Notice of death
Level 2 Item Notification
Level 2 Item Replacement licence certificate
Level 2 Item Requests miscellaneous actions
Level 2 Item Term transfers
Level 2 Item Transfers
Level 2 Item Transmission application
Level 1 Item Components of WAL dealing forms
Level 2 Item Fees
Level 2 Item Party dealing with the WAL or interest
Level 2 Item Party taking
Level 2 Item Annexures
Level 1 Item Dealings involving
Level 2 Item ABN, ACN and ARBN
Level 2 Item Building societies, credit unions etc
Level 2 Item Companies
Level 2 Item Folios of the WAL Register
Level 2 Item Joint tenants
Level 2 Item Minors
Level 2 Item Notations
Level 2 Item Notifications on the WAL folio
Level 2 Item Private Water Trusts
Level 2 Item Religious bodies
Level 2 Item Statutory declaration
Level 2 Item Tenancy shares shown on the Register
Level 2 Item Tenants in common
Level 2 Item Trusts
Level 2 Item Water utilities
Level 1 Item Execution of dealing forms
Level 2 Item Aboriginal Corporations, Aboriginal Associations, The New South Wales Aboriginal Land Council, Local
Level 2 Item Administrator, liquidator, receiver
Level 2 Item Area Health Services and Statutory Health Corporations
Level 2 Item Attorney
Level 2 Item Barrister or solicitor
Level 2 Item Building societies, credit unions etc
Level 2 Item Companies
Level 2 Item Execution under common seal
Level 2 Item Execution without common seal
Level 2 Item Delegation and authorisation
Level 2 Item Discrepancies in signatures
Level 2 Item Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979
Level 2 Item General execution requirements for dealing forms
Level 2 Item Foreign names, characters, language
Level 2 Item Illiterate or incapacitated persons
Level 2 Item Incorporated associations
Level 2 Item Licensed conveyancer
Level 2 Item Local councils
Level 2 Item Managed persons: NSW Trustee and Guardian
Level 2 Item Minors
Level 2 Item Execution of dealings outside NSW
Level 2 Item Order of Court
Level 2 Item Owners Corporation, Association of a Community, Precinct or Neighbourhood Scheme
Level 2 Item Religious bodies
Level 2 Item Execution by a reserve trust
Level 2 Item Statutory declaration
Level 2 Item Statutory bodies
Level 2 Item Witness
Level 1 Item Procedures
Level 2 Item Correspondence and delivery
Level 2 Item Evidence
Level 2 Item Lost documents
Level 2 Item Minute Papers
Level 2 Item Production of documents
Level 2 Item Rejection of WAL dealings
Level 2 Item Requisitions

Community schemes


Level 1 Item Requirements for a community scheme
Level 1 Item Schemes that cannot be registered
Level 1 Item Types of community scheme plans
Level 1 Item Components of the plan
Level 1 Item Preparing the plan
Level 2 Item Location plan
Level 2 Item Detail plan
Level 2 Item Association property plan
Level 2 Item Administration sheets
Level 2 Item Plan form 6
Level 2 Item Plan form 6D
Level 2 Item Plan form 6A
Level 2 Item Management statement
Level 2 Item Preparing the statement
Level 2 Item Part 1 - Bylaws fixing details of development
Level 2 Item Part 2 - Restricted property bylaws
Level 2 Item Part 3 - Mandatory matters
Level 2 Item Part 4 - Optional matters
Level 2 Item Part 5 - Public authority bylaws
Level 2 Item Accessway plan
Level 2 Item Statutory Easements Diagram
Level 2 Item Development contract
Level 2 Item Preparing the contract
Level 2 Item Valuer’s certificate
Level 1 Item After the scheme has commenced
Level 2 Item Amalgamation of Schemes
Level 2 Item Initial period
Level 2 Item Subdivision of community or precinct schemes
Level 2 Item Subdivision of neighbourhood schemes
Level 2 Item Consolidation
Level 2 Item Conversion
Level 2 Item Severance
Level 2 Item Boundary adjustment
Level 2 Item Change of address for service of notices
Level 2 Item Amendment of management statement or development contract
Level 2 Item Revised schedule of unit entitlements
Level 2 Item Adding land to association property
Level 2 Item Lease or Transfer of association property
Level 2 Item Dedicating roads and reserves
Level 2 Item Development and neighbourhood lots
Level 2 Item Dedication, Resumption or Acquisition of Association property
Level 2 Item Schedule of unit entitlements
Level 2 Item Varying and terminating a Scheme
Level 1 Item Approved forms
Level 1 Item Registration
Level 1 Item Common features
Level 1 Item Deeds Index Particulars
Level 1 Item Documents lodged
Level 2 Item Acknowledgment
Level 2 Item Agreements contracts
Level 2 Item Agricultural goods mortgages
Level 2 Item Bills of sale
Level 2 Item Book debts (assignment of)
Level 2 Item Causes, writs and orders of court
Level 2 Item Change of name - deed poll
Level 2 Item Charges
Level 2 Item Conveyances
Level 2 Item Covenants
Level 2 Item Easements
Level 2 Item General Frame
Level 2 Item Guardianships
Level 2 Item Leases
Level 2 Item Liens
Level 2 Item Memorandum
Level 2 Item Memorials (Acts of Parliament)
Level 2 Item Mortgages
Level 2 Item Power of attorney
Level 2 Item Re-registration
Level 2 Item Release or removal
Level 2 Item Resumptions and acquisitions
Level 2 Item Statutory declaration
Level 2 Item Survivorship
Level 2 Item Trusts
Level 2 Item Vestings
Level 1 Item Indexing