Administration sheet

The Administration Sheet is an approved form for signatures that replaces the need to endorse signatures and seals on the plan.

When an Administration Sheet is required the completed form must be lodged in the same manner as the plan. If the plan is lodged by hand the completed Administration Sheet bearing original signatures and seals is lodged with the plan. If the plan is lodged electronically the completed Administration Sheet bearing original signatures and seals is scanned to the requisite specifications by the approved person and a PDF image created and lodged with the plan. Where an Administration Sheet is required no signatures or seals will appear on the plan drawing sheets irrespective of the method of lodgment.

The Administration Sheet must contain all the signatures, seals and certificates required by the Registrar General, endorsed in the appropriate panels on the approved form. Where insufficient space is available for the number of signatures, seals, statements and certificates required, additional annexure sheets in the approved form may be added. See Schedule 14 of the Lodgment Rules.

Under no circumstances should a blank Administration Sheet be photocopied, faxed or folded for posting to a solicitor, client, council or other person for endorsement of a signature(s). The sheet is an original document and will be rejected if it does not conform to the standard requirements for original documents.
There are different approved forms for Administration Sheets for deposited plans and strata plans. All approved forms for signatures are available on this website under P listing.

NOTE: Section 6.15 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 has replaced section 109J of that Act since 1 December 2019. Accordingly, an updated Administration Sheet must be used where the Subdivision Certificate is dated after 1 December 2019.

For lodgment by hand

All signatures, seals and certificates must be endorsed on the Administration Sheet. No signatures are to appear on the original plan. The Administration Sheet, identified by reference to the plan heading and Surveyor’s Reference, and signed by the surveyor, should accompany a copy(s) of the plan when forwarded for subdivision approval. The authorised person should sign the completed Subdivision Certificate on the Administration Sheet as well as on the copy of the plan.

NOTE: It is not acceptable for the Surveyors’ Certificate and the Subdivision Certificate to be on separate sheets of the Administration Sheet.

Signatures of all other affected parties should then be endorsed on the Administration Sheet carrying the Surveyor’s Certificates and Subdivision Certificates. If there is insufficient space on the primary sheet then an additional sheet(s) (maximum of three) in the approved form can be adopted. Each sheet should be numbered sequentially, separately from the plan sheets, as “Sheet....of.... Sheets”.

The original plan, signed copy and signed original Administration Sheet, together with any other required documents, should be lodged by hand with NSW LRS.

For electronic lodgment

The Administration Sheet, identified by reference to the plan heading and Surveyor’s Reference, and signed by the surveyor, should accompany a copy(s) of the plan when forwarded for subdivision approval. The authorised person should sign the Subdivision Certificate on the Administration Sheet as well as on a copy of the plan (for confirmation that the correct version was approved).

NOTE: It is not acceptable for the Surveyor’s Certificate and the Subdivision Certificate to be on separate sheets of the Administration Sheet.

Signatures of all other affected parties should then be endorsed on the Administration Sheet carrying the Surveyor’s Certificates and Subdivision Certificates. If there is insufficient space on the primary sheet then an additional annexure sheet(s) (maximum of three) in the approved form can be adopted. Each sheet should be numbered sequentially, separately from the plan sheets, as “Sheet....of.... Sheets”.

The person approved to lodge electronically (approved person) must convert the original signed Administration Sheet(s) to an electronic image by scanning to the required specifications. The plan, Administration Sheet and any other required document images are then lodged electronically using the ePlan Internet facility.

The approved person must retain the Administration Sheet(s) and any other documents bearing original signatures, for 7 years following registration of the plan.

For more information on electronic lodgment of plans, see the NSW LRS Website (ePlan).

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