Conversion of Old System

Land granted or alienated from the Crown before the 1 January 1863 is held under common law title and is known as Old System. Old System title can be converted to Torrens title:

  • by Primary Application  
  • by Official Search
  • upon registration of a deposited plan and related deeds
  • upon registration of deeds and
  • upon investigation by the Registrar General.

Old System land was based on the English Common Law System of conveyancing where each time land was sold or mortgaged a separate deed was prepared. Proof of ownership required a chain of these deeds.


Possessory title Common Law has always regarded the possession or occupation of a parcel of land as sufficient evidence of ownership.


Primary Application enables the conversion of Old System land to unqualified Torrens Tilte.


Official Search may be used to remove a Caution from an existing Torrens Title.


Deposited plans redefining Old System land when lodged for registration, should be accompanied by a statement of title particulars and the current deed evidencing ownership of the land.



For more information for Plans and Titling contact


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