Boundary definition

Titles to land in NSW are based on a plan of survey, or alternatively a plan or sketch compiled from a survey, which defines the boundaries of the parcel as at the date it was prepared. Therefore, when preparing a plan of survey for subdivision, redefinition or any other purpose, the surveyor:

  • relocates the original marks and monuments that define the boundaries
  • re-establishes the existing title boundaries of the subject land having regard to surveying conventions and the relevant principles of law
  • marks the new boundaries and re-marks the existing boundaries on the ground as required and
  • prepares a plan for registration at NSW LRS, setting out the dimensions of the parcel(s) and the evidence used in the boundary fixation.

Also see Linear and artificial boundaries, Natural boundaries and Stratum boundaries for further information.

General principles of boundary definition (SSIR 2024) should be followed in the relocation of title boundaries.

General principles of boundary definition (SSIR 2017) should be followed in the relocation of title boundaries.

Definition on the plan (SSIR 2024) must clearly indicate the position and nature of each boundary.

Definition on the plan (SSIR 2017) must clearly indicate the position and nature of each boundary.

Cadastral definition by coordinates  (SSIR 2024) may be allowable in special circumstances using GNSS techniques.

Cadastral definition by coordinates  (SSIR 2017) may be allowable in special circumstances using GNSS techniques.

Old System boundaries require an in-depth investigation into the position of the original deed boundaries in comparison with the occupations and fences constructed on the land.

An Application for boundary determination may be made under Part 14A Real Property Act 1900, empowering the Registrar General to resolve boundary disputes and provide a simple, quick and inexpensive alternative to the complexity, delays and expense of litigation.

Boundary consents and approvals may be required when the adjoining land is held by the Crown or by a prescribed authority.

Deferred placement of marks may be approved by the Surveyor General to prevent the marks being disturbed or destroyed during development and construction.

Slivers page provides guidance on how to create and show a sliver lot.

Claiming a Sliver lot page provides information on how to claim a sliver lot shown in a registered deposited plan.

Surveyor's reports (SSIR 2024 )should be used to disclose any doubt, discrepancy, difficulty or difference suggested by or encountered in a survey

Surveyor's reports (SSIR 2017) should be used to disclose any doubt, discrepancy, difficulty or difference suggested by or encountered in a survey

Surveys must be marked as appropriate on the ground using Boundary and reference marks. (SSIR 2024)

Surveys must be marked as appropriate on the ground using Boundary and reference marks. (SSIR 2017)

For more information for Plans and Titling contact

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Publication Date: March 2025