Public reserves and drainage reserves

Parcels of land may be dedicated as a public reserve or drainage reserve by:

  • the registration of a deposited plan bearing an appropriate statement creating a lot(s) as public reserve or drainage reserve
  • the publication of an appropriate notification in the Government Gazette vesting an existing parcel as public reserve or drainage reserve or
  • transfer or conveyance to a council for use as a public reserve or drainage reserve.

Public reserves may be dedicated by the registration of a deposited plan on which land is marked with the statement 'public reserve' on publication of an appropriate notification in the Government Gazette or by transfer or conveyance to a council identifying land for use as a public reserve (see Sections 49(1) and 50 Local Government Act 1993).


Drainage reserves may be dedicated by the registration of a deposited plan on which land is marked with the statement 'drainage reserve', on publication of an appropriate notification in the Government Gazette, or by transfer or conveyance to a council identifying land for use as a drainage reserve (see Sections 49(3) and 50 Local Government Act 1993).


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Publication Date: October 2024