
After a deposited plan or strata plan has been examined and deemed not to be in order for registration, the Lodging Party and/or Surveyor will be sent a requisition letter. The letter will describe issue(s) with a plan and/or associated document(s) that need to be addressed before the plan can proceed to registration.

See also Rejection and re-instatement of plans.

Requisition Fees

When a Requisition is raised a separate requisition fee invoice will be forwarded to the Lodging Party and or Surveyor. The requisition fee invoice must be paid before the plan and associated document(s) are registered. For more information on requisition fees see Circular 2016/15.

Disputed Requisition Process

A request to waive a requisition sent in relation to a plan and/or associated document(s) must be made by either the Lodging Party or Surveyor. In some instances both may wish to dispute the requisition(s) raised. Each will need to submit separate requests or where the Lodging Party and the Surveyor are the same then only one request is required.

A Request for Review of Requisition Form is to be completed and submitted to the Plan Lodgment Counter or emailed to within the requisition timeframe and before registration of the plan.

If the request is successful both the requisition and the fee will be waived and the Lodging Party will be notified. All requisition items raised in a letter will need to be waived before the fee will be waived.