For a compiled plan of subdivision to be acceptable, it:
- must be based on reliable survey plans on public record
- must define all boundaries by bearings and distances disclosed in the base survey plan
- must mathematically close to an acceptable standard
- must be endorsed with a completed subdivision certificate, and
- must adopt a previously surveyed boundary shown on a registered deposited plan.
NOTE: If your plan complies with the above requirements, then prior approval from the Plan and Title Advisor is not required and reference '20M (Comp)' should be shown next to the Surveyor's Reference on the Administration Sheet and deposited plan.
NOTE: Examples of acceptable compiled subdivision plans are as follows: DP1268737, DP1260942 and DP1270346.
NOTE: Calculated subdivisional lines are not accetable (see Diagrams 1 and 2 below for an example of where a compiled subdivision was unacceptable)
Diagram 1 – Base plan

Diagram 2 - Proposed compiled Subdivision plan
The blue line (and text) represents the current parcel boundaries (and current lot numbers) and the black lines and text represents the new parcel boundaries, lot numbers and areas.
This plan is unacceptable for compilation as the new subdivisional boundary is a calculated line between two points. In addition to this, the new subdivisional boundary is not based on a boundary that has been previously surveyed. As a result, the plan is unacceptable and a requisition requesting a plan of survey will be raised accordingly.

Please click the following link for the Compiled Plan and Partial Survey Approval Request Form.