Compiled easement plans

A compiled easement plan will only be accepted when the plan of survey used as the basis of the compilation is shown by other survey plans on public record to be reliable and the site of the new easement:

  • is fixed along, parallel and/or perpendicular to an existing boundary established in a reliable plan of survey
  • is fixed without regard to natural features, occupations or improvements on the ground
  • is fixed between two previously surveyed corners
  • is one straight line between points defined (by connection) on two existing parcel boundaries
  • is the projection of an existing boundary established in a deposited plan of survey
  • contains no angle or steps, except where the line is parallel to an existing surveyed boundary containing equivalent angles or steps, or
  • is determined by any combination of the above.

A compiled easement plan will not be accepted where:

  • the plan of survey, used as the basis of the compilation, is shown by other survey plans on public record to be unreliable
  • the lengths and bearings of the adjoining/connected parcel boundaries are not in agreement with current certificate of title or deed boundaries
  • the external boundaries were created by a compiled plan
  • the easement abuts the boundary of an Old System parcel or a parcel subject to a 'Limitation' notification
  • the purpose of the plan is to create any of the following:
    • easements for light and air
    • easements for support related to buildings or retaining walls (see Notes below)
    • easements for encroachment or overhang (see Notes below), or
    • cross-easements pursuant to sections 88BB or 181B Conveyancing Act 1919.

Easements limited in height or depth may be compiled provided the necessary bench marks and Reduced Levels (and no other survey information) are shown on the plan.

NOTE: Compiled easement plans may be prepared either as a deposited plan or as a sketch plan annexed to a dealing.

NOTE:  A compiled easement will be acceptable in this instance provided that the structure is not in existence at the time or a recent plan of survey shows the structure and the extent of the structure.

NOTE:  If your plan complies with the above requirements, then prior approval from the Plan and Title Advisor is not required and reference ‘20M (Comp)’ should be shown next to the Surveyor’s Reference on the Administration Sheet and deposited plan or shown on the face of the Sketch plan annexed to a dealing.

Please click the following link for the Compiled Plan and Partial Survey Approval Request Form.

Compiled easements over physical features

Easements over physical features such as:

  • tracks in use (right of way or right of carriageway)
  • existing line of pipes
  • existing underground power lines
  • existing centreline of poles (as required by electricity authorities), or
  • existing bore drains, etc.

may also be compiled as a special concession by NSW LRS. The site may be defined in a deposited plan or in a plan annexed to an appropriate dealing. The surveyor preparing the compiled plan must be satisfied the accuracy of the plan provides adequate definition against all title and property issues.

The compiled plan must:

  • be prepared and signed by a registered surveyor
  • define the site by broken lines
  • where defining a track in use, open bore drain or other agricultural feature - not show a width and must indicate the method used to determine the position of the track, bore drain etc.
  • where defining a line of underground pipes, cables or conduits include the statement "approximate position"
  • where defining the centreline of poles or a pegged centreline survey:
    • the plan should indicate the method used to define the centreline
    • show bearings and distances of the centreline with the total width of the easement
    • show sufficient connections to tie the site into the corner of the parcel, and
    • provide the Electricity Provider's plan for a pegged centreline survey
  • be signed by all parties pursuant to section 195D Conveyancing Act 1919.

NOTE: If your plan complies with the above requirements, then prior approval from the Plan and Title Advisor is not required and reference ‘20M (Comp)’ should be shown next to the Surveyor’s Reference on the Administration Sheet and deposited plan or shown on the face of the sketch plan annexed to a dealing.

NSW legislation can be accessed at

Please click the following link for the Compiled Plan and Partial Survey Approval Request Form.