Compiled consolidation plans

A plan consolidating two or more parcels into one new parcel may be compiled provided:

  • the boundaries have been previously surveyed
  • the lots mathematically close to acceptable standards
  • the base plans and adjoining plans are in agreement as to survey, and
  • surrounding plans confirm the base plans are reliable.

Consolidation of Limited Title parcels requires all the titles to be limited, the base plans must show full bearings and distances on all boundaries and the base plans must be in agreement.

NOTE: If your plan complies with the above requirements, then prior approval from the Plan and Title Advisor is not required and reference '20M (Comp)' should be shown next to the Surveyor's Reference on the Administration Sheets and deposited plan.

NOTE: The acceptable misclose for a fully compiled plan is 1:8000 (level country) and 1:4000 (steep country).

For more information on Plans and Titling contact

Please click the following link for the Compiled Plan and Partial Survey Approval Request Form.