Structural boundaries

All structural boundaries which are defined by a structure must be shown by a thick line. The thick line must relate to the face or edge of a permanent structure.

What is acceptable as a structural boundary? 

  • The face of a wall of a building.
  • The face of a free standing wall.
  • The edge of a concrete slab.
  • The edge of a roof.
  • The edge of a balcony, terrace or patio etc.
  • Chain link mesh which is fixed between concrete columns or walls and ceilings and floors.
  • Edge or face of kerbing.

In some case it may be beneficial to add a note to the thick line depicting a boundary so there is no confusion regarding what it represents. Some examples are as follows:

  • Edge of carport roof.
  • Western edge of concrete kerb.
  • Southern face of wall.
  • South-western corner of column.

What is unacceptable as a structural boundary?

  • Fences.
  • Edge of pavers which are not permanently fixed.
  • Natural boundaries.
  • Fixtures or appliances (air conditioners, hot water services, and gas or water meters).