Floor plan

The floor plan must be prepared on Plan form 1 or Plan Form 2 in accordance with schedules 10 and 12 of the Lodgment Rules.

All lots in a strata plan must be a cubic space. The boundaries which define each lot fall into two categories:

  • vertical boundaries, these are defined by lines on the floor plan which relate to structures.
  • horizontal boundaries, these are defined by a structural surface, such as a floor or ceiling, or a stratum statement relating to a structural surface.

There are rules to be applied when showing the lot boundaries.   

The boundaries can be defined on the floor plan in three ways:

Preparing the floor plan

The floor plan must be prepared on a separate sheet to the location plan and show the following:

  • A north point (directed upwards).
  • The boundaries of all lots and part lots by continuous (ie unbroken) lines. The boundaries which are defined by a structure must be shown by thick lines and the boundaries not defined by structures are shown by thin lines.
  • Boundaries which are not defined by a structure are referred to as line boundaries. Line boundaries must be either a prolongation of a structural surface or perpendicular from a specific point on a structural surface. Alternatively they may be defined by connections which are either a prolongation of the structural surface or perpendicular from a specific point on a structural surface.
  • Stratum statements for those parts of the lots which do not have structural cover and or a structural base to define their horizontal boundaries (ie upper and lower limits).
  • The lot number for each lot or part lot. Part lots must be identified as such. Lot numbering must be consecutive and commence with lot 1.
  • An area for each lot or part lot. Part lot areas should be shown in brackets and a total area must be shown within or relevant to the most significant part of the lot. The total area must be the mathematical aggregate of the separate parts. The plan may include a statement indicating the areas are approximate. See schedule 10 Lodgment Rules.
  • The site and description of all easements which affect the lots and are to be created upon registration of the plan.
  • Separate floors of the building must be shown from the lowest level to the highest level.
  • Sufficient information to define the extent of any encroachment which is intended for the use of the adjoining strata lot.
  • All occupations within an external part of a lot and within 1 metre of any lot boundary must be shown or referred to. The floor plan should indicate the materials and nature of the occupation and indicate if it forms common property or part of the lot. This is not required for fencing within the meaning of the Dividing Fences Act 1991.
  • Any other notes which indicate items which are within the air space of a lot are to form common property and not part of the lot. Example "The hot water service within the courtyard of lot 1 is common property and not part of the lot."

Numbering of levels in floor plans

To ensure that the plan may be read in conjunction with the building it is recommended that each level be numbered consecutively and comply with the rule that they be shown from the lowest to the highest level.

It will generally be accepted to number each level using similar to the following examples.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5 etc.

Ground, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 etc.

Basement 2, Basement 1, Ground, 1, 2, 3 etc.

There may be variations to these examples to allow for mezzanine floors or other situations.

If it is the intention of the surveyor to omit a number from a sequence the Floor Plan must include a clear statement identifying which level(s) are not included in the plan.

Provided the strata plan includes a statement that clearly indicates that a level has been intentionally omitted, the prior approval of the Registrar General is not required. 

Example: Floor Levels 4 and 14 are intentionally omitted in the floor numbering.

The statement should appear the on the sheet(s) of the floor plan which depict the level immediately preceding and following the omitted number.

In the event a Council contacts NSW LRS post registration of Strata Plan asserting that the Planning Authority guidelines have not been complied with, NSW LRS will direct the Planning Authority to contact the Building Professional Board with their concerns.

To ensure clarity all lettering on strata Plan Form 1 or Plan Form 2 should have a minimum height of 2.5 mm.