Line boundaries

Boundaries which are not defined by a structure are called line boundaries.

  • They must be shown by thin lines and must be dimensioned. The thin lines must be clearly distinguishable from the thick lines used to define structural boundaries.
  • They must be defined by reference to the building or other structural feature within the parcel and shown on the location plan.
  • The boundaries must be defined by prolongations of structural surfaces, right angles from specific points on structural surfaces or connections which are prolongations or at right angles.
  • Boundaries may also be defined by the centreline of a wall or line of columns or the prolongation of a centreline of wall or line of columns.
  • When boundaries are from the corner of a column or wall special consideration should be given if the corner is chamfered or bevelled. Appropriate notes and or diagrams should be provided.

Unacceptable definitions of boundaries

  • At right angles to a curved structure such as a round column
  • Defined using intersecting lines. That is where two boundaries of fixed lengths are each fixed at one end and the other end is fixed by their intersection. Although this is mathematically possible it is not acceptable for a strata plan.
  • Prolongations of structures which are not visible e.g. The prolongation of an internal wall to define an external boundary.