This page provides information for administration sheets accompanying the initial strata plan.
All strata plans require administrative information to be provided. The Administration Sheets contain various panels for the provision of required information including certificates, schedule of unit entitlement, schedule of street addresses, statements, signatures etc. See Schedules 13 and 14 Lodgment Rules for the requirements for completing Administration Sheets accompanying a strata plan. The Lodgment Rules can be accessed here.
The Administration Sheets for a strata plan can be prepared using:
- the Digital Form Builder through NSW LRS Connect,
- by completing the Strata Plan Interactive form, or
- by completing the individual sheets. The later process will always consist of at least 3 sheets, being Strata Plan Form 3.01 or 3.02, Strata Plan Form 3.07 (2019) and Strata Plan Form 3.08. These sheets must be numbered as sheets 1, 2 and 3 respectively. If there is insufficient space on sheet 3 for the information required, extra sheets may be added and must be numbered sequentially in the upper right corner.
Information on Administration Sheets for strata plans of subdivision can be found here.
The Administration Sheets are registered as part of the plan and when a copy of the registered plan is ordered, the Administration Sheets will also be provided.
Strata plan form 3.01 and 3.02
One of either Strata Plan Form 3.01 or Strata Plan Form 3.02 will always be sheet 1 of the Administration Sheets for the first plan of a strata scheme. It is the responsibility of the surveyor to complete all panels on this form except the Strata Certificate and the Office Use Only panels which contain the strata plan number and registration details.
Sheet numbering
Insert the total number of sheets of the Administration Sheets.
Strata plan number and registration details
These panels are for Office Use Only and should be left blank on plans lodged for registration.
NOTE: If the plan has a pre-allocated plan number or was pre-examined, the strata plan number may be completed in font style Arial, Regular with a font size of 56.
Plan heading
The plan heading is the panel containing the words, “PLAN OF SUBDIVISION OF”. This must be completed by inserting the identity of the land being subdivided. The first plan in a scheme will always be a subdivision of a lot(s) in a deposited plan(s).
LGA, Locality, Parish and County
The current Local Government Area, Locality, Parish and County must be shown in the appropriate position.
Refer to the Cadastral Records Enquiry (CRE) to confirm the relevant Local Government Area, Locality, Parish and County boundaries and names. When there are multiple Local Government Areas, Parishes and/or Counties, administrative boundaries must be shown on the location plan.
Freehold or Leasehold Scheme
Strike out the inapplicable word (either Freehold or Leasehold) to indicate the intended type of strata scheme.
Address for Service of Documents
The panel must show an address for service of documents on the owner’s corporation. The address should be an Australian postal address including a postcode (the address may differ from the location of the scheme).
The Administration Sheets must indicate the by-laws intended to be adopted for the scheme. There are 2 options for completing this panel:
- referring to the model by-laws as set out in Schedule 3 Strata Schemes Management Regulation 2016 or
- providing a copy of the strata by-laws lodged with the plan. (see section 10(b)(ii) Strata Schemes Development Act 2015).
If it is intended to adopt the “model by-laws for residential schemes”, strike through “The strata by-laws lodged with the plan” and either A or B as required in regard to “Keeping of animals” and “Smoke penetration”.
If it is not intended to adopt the model by-laws the statement regarding the model by-laws should be struck through. A copy of the by-laws must be lodged for registration with the plan. The by-laws must be prepared on Approved Form 7 and be signed by the persons required to sign the plan under section 22(1) Strata Schemes Development Act 2015.
Surveyor's certificate
This panel must be completed and executed by a registered land surveyor.
All appropriate information must be entered, and the inapplicable information must be struck through. The Certificate must be completed by:
- inserting the name of the surveyor in the space after “I”
- inserting the name of the company the surveyor works for or where there is no company, the surveyor's full address
- if there are no encroachments, striking through the statement” The building encroaches on:” including items (a) and (b)
- if there are encroachments only on a public place, striking through item (b)
- if there are encroachments only on land which is not a public place, striking through (a) and entering in item (b) the creating instrument for the easement which has been created
- signing and dating the certificate. The Surveyor’s Certificate must be signed prior to the Strata Certificate
- inserting the surveyor’s ID as provided by BOSSI, and
- inserting the surveyor’s reference (maximum of 25 characters). The reference must be identical to that shown on the plan to provide a link between the documents, with the exception of any information shown after the reference in brackets indicating a version number of the document or NSW LRS approval number(s).
Before execution, a surveyor must be satisfied that the plan complies with all the parts of the Certificate. Attention is drawn to Schedule 1 Strata Schemes Development Act 2015 and the Surveying and Spatial Information Act 2002.
Strata Certificate
The strata certificate must be completed and executed by a registered certifier or local council.
Prior to the issue of a strata certificate, a local council or a registered certifier must:
- conduct an inspection in accordance with clause 17 Strata Schemes Development Regulation 2016, and
- ensure that the valuation certificate is prepared in accordance with clause 7(4)(a) Strata Schemes Development Regulation 2016.
Registered Certifier
If the strata certificate is to be completed by a registered certifier SP Form 3.01 must be used. All appropriate information should be entered, and the inapplicable information should be struck through.
The certificate must be completed by:
- inserting the name of the registered certifier after ’I’
- inserting the registration number
- if the plan is not part of a development scheme striking through item (a) otherwise leave item (a) intact
- if the building does not encroach on a public place striking through item (b)
- if the building encroaches on a public place and the local council has granted a relevant planning approval in regard to the encroachment leave item (b) intact
- if the relevant planning approval contains a condition that utility lots are to be created, inserting the relevant lot numbers within item (c)
- if there are no utility lots to be created striking through item (c)
- inserting the certificate reference. This reference should relate to the certifier or council records
- inserting the relevant planning approval number and the name of the authority that issued it, and
- signing and dating the certificate. The date must be on or after the date the Surveyor’s Certificate is signed.
Local Council
If the strata certificate is to be completed by a local council SP Form 3.02 must be used. All appropriate information should be entered, and the inapplicable information should be struck through.
The certificate must be completed by:
- inserting the name of the local council
- if the plan is not part of a development scheme striking through item (a) otherwise leave item (a) intact
- if the building does not encroach on a public place striking through item (b)
- if the building encroaches on a public place and the local council does not object to the encroachment leave item (b) intact
- if the local council is imposing a condition that utility lots are to be created inserting the relevant lot numbers within item (c)
- if there are no utility lots to be created striking through item (c)
- inserting the certificate reference. This reference should relate to the council records,
- inserting the relevant planning approval number and the name of the local council that issued it
- striking through “Authorised person” or “General Manager” as appropriate, and
- signing and dating the certificate. The date must be on or after the date of the Surveyor’s Certificate is signed.
This Strata Certificate must be completed and executed on behalf of the council by an Authorised Person or General Manager.
Strata plan form 3.07 (2019)
The purpose of this approved form is to provide:
- the schedule of unit entitlement, and
- the Valuer’s Certificate completed by a qualified valuer as defined in section 4(1) Strata Schemes Development Act 2015.
Sheet numbering
Insert the sheet number and the total number of sheets of the Administration Sheets.
Strata plan number and registration details
These panels are for Office Use Only and should be left blank on plans lodged for registration.
NOTE: If the plan has a pre-allocated plan number or was pre-examined, the strata plan number may be completed in font style Arial, Regular with a font size of 56.
Valuer’s certificate
The Valuer’s Certificate is to certify the schedule of unit entitlement. This must be completed by a qualified valuer and provide the following:
- the valuer’s full name
- the company the valuer works for or where there is no company, the valuer’s full address
- confirmation that the valuer is a “qualified valuer” as defined in section 4(1) Strata Schemes Development Act 2015
- the professional body of which the valuer is a member, and
- the valuer’s class of membership and their membership number
Valuers must include the date that the valuer made the valuation and apportioned the unit entitlements (the "valuation day") in accordance with Schedule 2 Strata Schemes Development Act 2015 and clause 7(4) Strata Schemes Development Regulation 2016.
Where both the Strata Certificate and Valuer’s Certificate are signed on or after 1 January 2020, the Valuer’s Certificate in Strata Plan Form 3.07 (2019) must be used. If the Strata Certificate is signed on or after 1 January 2020 but the Valuer’s Certificate is signed before 1 January 2020, then the use of the previous version of the Valuer’s Certificate on Strata Plan Form 3.07 is acceptable.
Note: For the Valuer’s Certificate, the prescribed “valuation day” prevents the valuation being made more than 2 months before the day on which the application is made for the issue of the Strata Certificate in accordance with clause 7(4)(a) Strata Schemes Development Regulation 2016.
Schedule of unit entitlements
The schedule of unit entitlements must be shown on SP Form 3.07 (2019) in accordance with the requirements set out in Schedule 2 of the Strata Schemes Development Act 2015 and clause 7 Strata Schemes Development Regulation 2016.
The schedule must contain two vertical columns. The first should show the lot numbers in numerical sequence and the second should show the unit entitlement for each lot. The final row must show the aggregate of the unit entitlements. Each unit entitlement must be expressed as a whole number.
Successively numbered lots with the same unit entitlement may be grouped in abbreviated form. In this instance the schedule of unit entitlement may be prepared as shown in the example below.

It is the responsibility of the surveyor to show the schedule of unit entitlements, however each unit entitlements must be apportioned based upon the market value of the lots in accordance with Schedule 2 Strata Schemes Development Act 2015 and determined by a qualified valuer.
If there is insufficient space on Strata Plan form 3.07 (2019) the schedule may be continued on Strata Plan Form 3.08
Surveyor’s reference
Enter the surveyor’s reference as on sheet 1 (being Strata Plan form 3.01 or 3.02).
Strata plan form 3.08
The form must follow SP Form 3.07 (2019) with all sheets in the Strata Plan Form 3.08 being numbered sequentially. This form is to include the following information if applicable:
- any information which cannot fit in the appropriate panels of the preceding Administration Sheets
- statements of intention to create and release affecting interests in accordance with section 88B Conveyancing Act 1919
- a schedule of street addresses
- statements regarding development contracts and management statements
- signatures and seals which are required in accordance with section 22 Strata Schemes Development Act 2015.
Sheet numbering
Insert the sheet number and the total number of sheets of the Administration Sheets.
Strata plan number and registration details
These panels are for Office Use Only and should be left blank on plans lodged for registration.
Note If the plan has a pre-allocated plan number or was pre-examined the SP number may be completed in font style Arial, Regular with a font size of 56.
Schedule of unit entitlement
If the Strata Plan Form 3.07 (2019) does not have sufficient space to show the entire schedule of unit entitlement it should be continued on this sheet. The continuation of the schedule should appear before any other information.
Statements of Intention in accordance with section 88B instrument
Creating Interests (Positive Covenant, Restrictions on the use of land and Easements)
If it is the intention to create affecting interests upon registration of a section 88B instrument which is to be lodged with the plan, the panel must contain a statement as follows:
"Pursuant to section 88B Conveyancing Act 1919 it is intended to create the following affecting interests"
The interest which are to be created must be listed as shown in part 1 of the section 88B instrument. The interest description (Positive Covenant, Restriction on the use of land or the Easement description) must be stated and must include reference to the width of any easement being created. i.e. 1. Easement to drain water variable width.
Releasing Interests (Easements only)
If the applicant intends to release affecting easements upon registration of the section 88B instrument which is to be lodged with the plan, the panel must contain a statement as follows:
"Pursuant to section 88B Conveyancing Act 1919 it is intended to release the following affecting easements"
The easements which are to be released must be listed as shown in part 1A of the section 88B instrument. The easement description, easement width and the creating instrument number must be stated. i.e. 1. Easement for access 2 wide (DP#####).
Schedule of street addresses
A schedule of street addresses must be provided for the common property and each lot in the strata scheme on SP Form 3.08.
The schedule must be in the format described in Surveyor General’s Direction No.7 (see section 3.25, clause 60, Table 6).
If an address or part of an address is not available, this should also be indicated in the schedule as “not applicable” or “N/A”.
It should be noted that the address for the common property may differ from the address for service of documents.
As councils are the addressing authority, NSW LRS advises surveyors to confirm street addresses with the local council prior to lodgment of the plan.
Staged Development
If the plan is stage one of a staged development, it must be accompanied by a Strata Development Contract and the Administration Sheets must include a statement as follows:
Part Strata Parcel
If the plan is a part strata development, it will include a Strata Management Statement and the Administration Sheets must include a statement as follows:
NOTE: If a registered Strata Management Statement already exists for the building there is no requirement for this statement.
Signatures and seals
This Administration Sheets must be executed in accordance with section 22 Strata Schemes Development Act 2015.
Surveyor’s reference
Enter the surveyor’s reference as on sheet 1 (being Strata Plan Form 3.01 or 3.02).
All NSW legislation can be accessed at
All approved forms can be accessed at under the Forms tab.
Publish date: February 2023