Crown public roads

Any person may apply to Crown Lands to close a Crown public road. The fee of the closed road will remain vested in the Crown as Crown land and may only be disposed of or dealt with under the Crown Lands Act 1989. Lands in closed roads are often disposed of to adjoining landowners following assessment by Crown Lands.

Where the land is disposed of to an adjoining landowner, the landowner will be requested to pay appropriate costs and the current market value of the land. The landowner will also be responsible for preparation and lodgment of a plan of survey for the road closure.

The applicant should complete the required Application to Close Public Road form CL31-30 (PDF 613.8 KB) and lodge it with the nearest regional office of Crown Lands. For more information see

The applicant must attach a diagram showing:

  • dimensions and area of road to be closed
  • adjoining property information
  • location of any existing public utilities
  • location and type of any fences, buildings or structures on or near the road.

The applicant must pay the required deposit and provide written consents/agreements of:

  • all owners and holders of interests in lands adjoining the road(s)
  • any affected public authorities
  • NSW Fisheries (where the road adjoins or gives access to a river or lake)
  • Roads and Maritime Services (where the closing affects or forms a junction with a State Highway, Trunk Road or Main Road)
  • The Land Information Unit, RailCorp Property (where the road adjoins railway land).