Production of documents

Any document required for the examination and registration of a Real Property Act dealing or a plan, or Water Access Licence dealing, may be produced at the Production Counter, Document Registration Services, NSW LRS, and will be connected to the relevant dealing or plan when it is lodged.

The producing party retains entitlement to the document and must specify the use to which the document can be put. The document will only be used for the purpose specified on the Production Ticket Receipt. Details from production slip are entered into ITS. Any conflict between the purpose specified and the dealing to which the document is connected will be the subject of a requisition directed to the lodging party of the dealing. The producing party may amend the production details at the Production Counter or furnish a letter authorising alternative use or delivery of the document.

The prescribed fee is payable at the time of production of each document.

All produced documents are filed in the Production Press for 3 months. After 3 months documents are culled from the Production Press and returned to the producing party.

A produced document will be returned to the producing party on request.

Multiple purpose production tickets

As well as single purpose tickets, multiple purpose production tickets are also available. A producing party using a multiple purpose ticket may produce a document once for a period of up to three months, during which time it will be retained by NSW LRS for registration of up to eight separate transactions as listed by the producing party on the ticket.

Production Ticket Receipt form 94-0060

A Production Ticket Receipt form 94-0060, obtainable from the Cashier, must be completed and attached to the produced document by the producing party.  It must provide the following information:

Document the reference to title in the case of a Water Access Licence certificate; type and number in the case of any other document.
Date the date of production.
Produced by the name of the producing party.
Client Reference optional.
Deliver to the details of the party to whom the document is to be returned.  This may be a different party to the producing party.  Where lots may be excised from an auto consol title, separate delivery directions for the titles to issue may be appropriate.
Purpose the purpose for which the document is produced. It is the responsibility of the producing party to give enough information to ensure the proper use of the document.

Staff processing information

Computer title produced

Where a computer Water Access Licence certificate has been produced for a case, the CT IND field in ITS will show 'P'. The production details shown must be examined. The following details must be marginally noted on the dealing:

  • 'CT Produced'
  • the delivery details of the producing party and
  • the date of production.

Ensure the correct delivery details are entered in ITS.

Manual title and other documents produced

When a manual Water Access Licence or other documents have been produced for a case, the produced certificate of title or document must be collected from the Production Press and connected to the case immediately. The date, table number and leading number must be entered in the appropriate Production note book. The certificate of title or document must be kept with the case. The following details must be marginally noted on the dealing:

  • CT/[description of document] produced
  • the delivery details of the producing party and
  • the date of production.