Dealings involving

ABN, ACN and ARBN Australian Business Number, Australian Company Number, Australian Registered Body Number and exceptions.


Aboriginal bodies and acquisition by an Aboriginal Land Council including, Aboriginal Association or Corporation, Aboriginal Housing Office and NSW/ Local Aboriginal Land Council and aquisition of land by Request or Transfer.


Building societies, credit unions etc information on building societies, credit unions, friendly societies, starr bowketts, cooperatives etc.


Community title schemes may consist of a sole Neighbourhood scheme or a Community scheme that may be further subdivided.


Companies includes information on change of name, corporations index, deregistered and in receivership companies, foreign companies and related matters.


Crown land complete purchase, incomplete purchase, perpetual lease, term leases.


Covenants positive covenants, covenant charge, prescribed authorities and restrictions on the use of land information and procedures.


Easements affecting Torrens Title land may be created by an express grant of an easement, registration of a plan of subdivision, resumption or acquisition or an Order of Court.


Folios of the Torrens Title Register information on the types of folios of the Torrens Title Register.


Joint tenants where two or more persons to hold an estate or interest in land or a Water Access Licence.


Life estates common terms and situations.


Minerals and coal the Real Property Act 1900 makes no distinction between minerals and other specified substances or strata.


Minors execution of a dealing by a minor or in favour of a minor.


Managed persons: NSW Trustee and Guardian Supreme Court may authorise a manager to execute dealings or documents on behalf of a protected person.


Notations on the Register all notations shown on the Register must be considered when searching or dealing with a title.


Notifications on the Register all notifications shown on the Register must be considered when searching or dealing with a folio of the Torrens Title Register or a Water Access Licence.


Profit à prendre and Forestry Rights profit à prendre is a right to the produce or soil of another's land a forestry right is a form of profit a prendre.


Religious bodies the religious bodies noted are regulated by Acts of Parliament and have the power to deal with land in the usual manner.


Registrar General's Caveat prohibits the registration of certain dealings, it does not create an interest in land.


Reserves drainage and public local council may lodge form 04RP to record the vesting of land in the council as a drainage reserve or as a public reserve.


Resumptions the terms "resumption" and "acquisition" are identical for the purposes of NSW LRS.


Statutory bodies including area health services and statutory health corporations, state owned corporations and statutory authorities.


Statutory declaration like an oath, is a personal statement.


Tenants in common hold a share in the whole of the estate or interest, each tenant being entitled to possession of the whole of the estate or interest in common with the other co-tenants.


Tenancy shares shown on the Register full names, tenancy and shares of all registered proprietors of an estate are shown in the First Schedule of a RPA title.


Trusts includes information on dealings by trustees, declaration of trust and removal of a declaration of trust.


Verification of identity includes Minimum Document Requirements table & Identifier Declaration information