Purchasers Index

This index commenced with the Torrens System on 1 January 1863 and was incorporated into Owner Inquiry Search ITS in 2001. The index is in book form from 1863 to 1970 and was held on microfiche from 1971 to 2001. The microfiche of the Purchases Index was withdrawn from Public Search Areas on 31 December 2002. The index is in alphabetical order of surname only until 1883 and strict alphabetical order from that date. From the commencement of the Torrens System all grants appear in this index together with all transfers, leases etc dealing with land under the System. The Purchasers Index as held on microfiche from 1971 to May 2001 was merged into the Integrated Titling System (ITS). Access to the Index is through the Owner Inquiry Search.

The merging of databases has resulted in a fully automated Owner Inquiry facility that provides a clear distinction between current and previously owned land held in ITS.

Owner Name/Lease Inquiry Search

Searching the Torrens System for a current owner/leaseholders name or historical references to a name since 1971 is done by an Owner Name Search in ITS. Historical information is extracted by ticking the Purchasers Index Box.

The Owner Name Search can only be accessed over the counter in NSW LRS, Lodgment Office, Level 30, 175 Liverpool Street, Sydney or through an approved Information Broker.

As a fraud prevention measure and to conform with the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998, persons requesting this information must first verify their identity by providing certain documentation and making it available for copying.

contact NSW LRSs Customer Service Centre on T: 02 87763575 for further details of documents required.

This information is provided as a searching aid only.