Documents lodged

Acknowledgment is the equivalent of a Real Property Act Transmission Application by the beneficiary or devisee.


Agreements contracts includes agreement for sale, indemnity, guarantee, licence and other information.


Agricultural goods mortgages will no longer be registered by NSW LRS.


Bills of sale will no longer be registered by NSW LRS.


Book debts (assignment of) will no longer be registered by NSW LRS.


Causes, writs and orders of court renewal, vacation CWO Register and General Register information.


Change of name - deed poll a change of name cannot be registered in the General Register of Deeds.


Charges will no longer be registered by NSW LRS.


Conveyances by administrators, executor, liquidator, local council, mortgagor and mortgagee and other related information and procedures.


Covenants release, variation, restriction and related information and procedures.


Easements grant of, release, right of way and related information and procedures.


General Frame staff processing information only.


Guardianships and revocation of guardianship information and procedures.


Leases of land, assignment, confirmation, mortgage, sublease, surrender, variation and other lease information and procedures.


Liens crop liens, wool liens, discharge and related documents and information.


Memorandum may contain provisions, eg covenants and conditions, that relate to any type of document registered in NSW LRS.


Memorials (Acts of Parliament) various acts specify that certain memorials and documents shall be lodged on various prescribed forms in NSW LRS.


Mortgages agricultural goods, discharges, of shares, security interests, stock mortgages and related information and procedures.


Power of attorney renunciation, revocation, substitution and before or after 16.2.2004 inofrmation and procedures.


Re-registration a document may be re-registered where the original document is correct but the registration copy was incorrect at time of registration.


Release or removal is used where a particular ADIS registration frame for the transaction does not exist.


Resumptions and acquisitions erratum notice, notice of proposed and recisssion of resumption information and processes.


Statutory declaration like an oath, is a personal statement and therefore must be made by the declarant.


Survivorship of a joint tenant is automatic as regards Old System land and a document is not required to notify the death of a joint tenant.


Trusts variation, disclaimer, delegation, declaration of trust, appointment of a new trustee and related information and procedures.


Vestings consent to vesting and certificate of vesting of land information and procedures.