
Conveyance is a transfer of real property by means of a deed or instrument other than a will.


Conveyance - confirmatory a confirmatory conveyance may be registered to amend incorrect details in a previous conveyance.


Conveyance - possessory title where the vendor claims ownership through possession of the estate rather than by a chain of title.


Conveyance by a liquidator conveyance of Old System land by the liquidator of a company in liquidation.


Conveyance by a local council under s713 Local Government Act 1993 pursuant to s713 Local Government Act 1993 for unpaid rates of Old System land.


Conveyance by a mortgagee exercising power of sale exercising power of sale of Old System land may be lodged where the mortgagor has defaulted on the mortgage and the mortgagee has sold the mortgaged property in order to recover monies owed.


Conveyance by a trustee of a bankrupt estate estate of a bankrupt proprietor may be conveyed by the Official Trustee in Bankruptcy or other appointed trustee.


Conveyance by an administrator appointed to handle the estate of a deceased proprietor of Old System land.


Conveyance by an executor appointed in the probate of a deceased proprietor of Old System land.


Conveyance by the mortgagor and the mortgagee where a mortgage can be redeemed, ie discharged or re-conveyed, the mortgagor may instead require the mortgagee to join in a conveyance to a third party.


Conveyance by the Protective Commissioner appointed to administer the affairs of a proprietor of Old System land.


Conveyance by trustees of Old System land held in trust.


Conveyance covenant to produce is commonly included where a prior conveyance, ie a conveyance of part, has resulted in a subdivision of the land.


Conveyance creating an easement staff processing information only.


Conveyance of a long term lease staff processing information only.


Conveyance of equity of redemption when Old System land is mortgaged the mortgagee holds the equity of redemption - a conveyance by the mortgagor sells the equity of redemption to the purchaser.


Conveyance pursuant to a family arrangement a conveyance may distribute Old System land pursuant to a family arrangement or agreement.


Conveyance pursuant to a scheme of arrangement a proposal for dealing with the debts of an insolvent debtor that has been agreed to by the creditors or the requisite majority of creditors.


Conveyance pursuant to an order of court. a conveyance resulting from the decision or action of a Court, often the Family Law Court.


Conveyances - indexing frames staff only processing information.