For all survey's completed in accordance with the Surveying and Spatial Information Regulation 2024, please refer to this page.
All plans must be signed or consented to in accordance with section 195D Conveyancing Act 1919. The Administration Sheets are a document upon which these signatures or consents are provided. The Administration Sheet(s) also contain a Subdivision Certificate, a surveyors certificate and space for a schedule of unit entitlement. See also Rule 7 and Schedule 8 Lodgment Rules.
The Administration Sheets for a community scheme plan will always consist of at least 2 sheets:
- Plan form 6 2020, which is required for all deposited plans and
- Plan form 6D 2019, which is specific to community scheme plans.
These sheets must be numbered as sheets 1 and 2 respectively. If there is insufficient space on sheet 2 for the information required extra sheets may be added. These sheets will be prepared by either using the Digital Form Builder on NSW LRS Connect, by completing the Community Plan Interactive form, or by completing Plan form 6A 2019, which is the same as with all deposited plans.
- all sheets must be numbered appropriately in the upper right corner.
- the plan heading, which is shown in the panel with the wording PLAN OF, must be identical on each sheet. The plan heading must indicate its intention e.g. Plan of Subdivision of Lot___ in DP_____. The first plan in a scheme will always be a subdivision of a lot(s) in a Deposited Plan(s).
NOTE: The Administration Sheets are registered as part of the plan and when a copy of the registered plan is ordered, the Administration Sheets will also be provided.
All NSW legislation can be accessed at
Publication Date: March 2025