After the scheme has commenced

Upon registration of the initial plan, the relevant scheme commences, allowing the association to make decisions and take actions which affect that scheme.

Amalgamation of Schemes page provides information on how a subsidiary scheme may be amalgamated with a community scheme.

Initial period page provides information on the Initial period.

Subdivision of community or precinct schemes page provides information on how development lots in a community plan may be subdivided by a precinct plan, a neighbourhood plan, or a strata plan, to create subsidiary schemes.


Subdivision of neighbourhood schemes page provides information on how neighbourhood lots and neighbourhood property may be subdivided by a neighbourhood plan of subdivision to create new neighbourhood lots and or neighbourhood property.


Consolidation page provides information on how two or more but not all of the development lots in a community or precinct scheme or development lots in a neighbourhood scheme may be consolidated in a plan of consolidation.

Conversion page provides information on how a development lot in a community or precinct scheme or a neighbourhood lot may be converted to association property.


Severance page provides information on how a development lot in a community or precinct scheme may be severed from the scheme.


Boundary adjustment page provides information on boundary adjustment plans.

Change of address for service of notices page provides information on how an association may change its address for service of notices.


Amendment of management statement or development contract page provides information on how an association may amend a management statement or development contract.


Revised schedule of unit entitlements page provides information on how a revised schedule of unit entitlements may be lodged.


Adding land to association property page provides information on how a community, precinct or neighbourhood association may add land to its association property.


Transfer or lease of association property page provides information on how an association may lease or transfer some of its association property.


Dedicating roads and reserves page provides information on how land in a scheme that is intended to be dedicated as a road or reserve in the future should be left as part of a development lot or neighbourhood lot rather than be included as part of the association property.


Varying and terminating a Scheme page provides information on how a scheme is varied or terminated.