On 11 October 2021, the Real Property Amendment (Certificates of Title) Act 2021 commenced, which abolished the Certificates of Title (CTs) and the control of the right to deal (CoRD) framework. All existing CTs have been cancelled and CTs will no longer be issued. Existing CTs will not need to be produced, and CoRD holder consent will not be required, for a dealing or plan to be registered. All existing Guidelines subject to this change are currently being reviewed and will be updated to reflect these changes. For further information regarding the abolition of CTs, please see https://www.registrargeneral.nsw.gov.au/property-and-conveyancing/eConveyancing/abolition-of-certificates-of-title

Dedicating roads and reserves

Roads and reserves can be dedicated by a scheme plan or a scheme plan of subdivision (see Schedule 1, clause 2 Community Land Development Act 2021 and section 13 Community Land Development Regulation 2021.

Land in a scheme that is intended to be dedicated as a road or reserve in the future should be left as part of a development lot or neighbourhood lot. They must not be designated as proposed road or reserve on the original plan.

The intended road or reserve should be given a unit entitlement corresponding to the valuation made by a qualified valuer in the usual way.

NOTE: The previous NSW LRS practice of allowing lots to be identified as 'proposed road' in the schedule of unit entitlements has been discontinued.

Development and neighbourhood lots page provides information on dedicating roads upon registration of a community, precinct or neighbourhood plan of subdivision.


Dedication, Resumption or Acquisition of Association property page provides information on dedicating, resuming or acquiring land in a scheme


Schedule of unit entitlements page provides information on the provision of a replacement schedule of unit entitlements that  must be provided on the administration sheets of the plan.

All NSW legislation can be accessed at www.legislation.nsw.gov.au/