Development and neighbourhood lots

The land may be dedicated upon registration of a community, precinct or neighbourhood plan of subdivision. This plan must meet all the requirements of a plan of subdivision. See section 15 and Schedule 1 clause 2 Community Land Development Act 2021 and section 13 Community Land Development Regulation 2021.

Part of a lot

Part of a lot may be dedicated as a road or reserve in a community, precinct or neighbourhood plan of subdivision. The plan must show the new lots (being the residue after the road action) numbered appropriately:

  • any land to be dedicated as road should be identified as road or road widening
  • any lots to be dedicated as a public or drainage reserve should be indicated as such in the plan drawing area
  • the Administration Sheet must contain an appropriate dedication statement as required by section 195C Conveyancing Act 1919.

Whole of a lot

If it is intended to dedicate the whole of a lot as road or reserve a community, precinct or neighbourhood plan of subdivision can be lodged redefining the relevant lot and allocating it the next available number for the scheme.

  • any lots to be dedicated as a public or drainage reserve should be indicated as such in the plan drawing are
  • the Administration Sheet must contain an appropriate dedication statement as required by section 195C Conveyancing Act 1919.

For further information, see the Registrar General's Guidelines for Deposited plans which deals with New roads created in a deposited plan and the Schedule of unit entitlements.

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