Types of community scheme plans

Community plan

This is the primary plan in a development. Lots in a community plan may be subdivided by:

  • a community plan of subdivision to create further community development lots
  • a precinct plan to create a subsidiary scheme
  • a neighbourhood plan to create a subsidiary scheme
  • a strata plan to create a subsidiary scheme.

Precinct plan

This plan subdivides a lot or lots in a community plan and is used to create a second tier of a development. Lots in a precinct plan may be subdivided by:

  • a precinct plan of subdivision to create further precinct development lots
  • a neighbourhood plan to create a subsidiary scheme
  • a strata plan to create a subsidiary scheme.

Neighbourhood plan

This plan may subdivide lots in a community plan, a precinct plan or lots in conventional subdivisions.

The lots may only be subdivided by a neighbourhood plan of subdivision to create further neighbourhood lots.

A neighbourhood scheme may not be subdivided by the registration of a strata plan (see section 13(3) Community Land Development Act 2021).

All NSW legislation can be accessed at www.legislation.nsw.gov.au/