Plan heading
This must be the same as shown on sheet 1 (Plan Form 6)
Deposited plan number, registration details and plan purpose
The panels are for Office Use Only and must be left blank on plans lodged for registration.
Subdivision Certificate details
Enter the subdivision certificate number and date as shown in the Subdivision Certificate on sheet 1.
Annexure panel
If there is insufficient space on sheet 2 (Plan form 6D) to show the schedule of unit entitlement it may be continued in this panel.
This panel of the plan must be executed in accordance with section 195D Conveyancing Act 1919.
All signatures must appear after the entire schedule of unit entitlement.
If it is intended to create easements, restrictions or positive covenants, by the registration of a section 88B instrument lodged with the plan, the panel must contain an appropriate statement as follows and include the list of easements etc.:
Pursuant to Section 88B Conveyancing Act 1919 it is intended to create the following easements.
Schedule of street addresses
A schedule of street addresses must be provided for the association property and each development lot within the scheme.
The schedule must be in the format described in Surveyor General’s Direction No.7 (see section 3.25, clause 60, Table 5).
If an address or part of an address is not available, this should also be indicated in the schedule as “not applicable” or “N/A”.
It should be noted that the address for the association property may differ from the address for service of notices.
As councils are the addressing authority, NSW LRS advises surveyors to confirm street addresses with the local council prior to lodgment of the plan.
Surveyors reference
Enter the surveyors reference as on sheet 1.
All NSW legislation can be accessed at
Publication Date: March 2025