Location plan

The location plan must be prepared on Plan form 4 in accordance with section 5 Community Land Development Regulation 2021 and Schedule 5 or 7 of the Lodgment Rules. 

A Location plan means a sheet of a scheme plan that:

  • delineates the location of the parcel in relation to natural and artificial features including rivers, harbours, the ocean, roads and railways, and

  • includes a diagrammatic representation of the parcel and the lots in the plan, without dimensions and

  • shows the distance of the parcel from the nearest intersection of public roads.

It must show the following in the plan drawing area:

  • a label indicating LOCATION PLAN

  • a North point (directed upwards)

To the right of the plan drawing area the plan form contains a schedule of changes to the scheme which will be updated in NSW LRS as the development progresses. Below this schedule is space to indicate:

  • Subdivision Certificate number and date. This information must agree with the Subdivision Certificate

  • surveyors name and reference. This information must agree with the survey certificate

  • the registration details and plan number which will be completed in NSW LRS.

NOTE: To ensure clarity all lettering on the plan form (see schedule 5 clause 7 or Schedule 7 clause 7 Lodgment Rules) 

All NSW legislation can be accessed at www.legislation.nsw.gov.au/