
Cancellation of caution by Official Search information, process and procedures.


Cross easements request by registered proprietors that cross-easements be recorded on the folios of the Torrens Title Register.


Darling Harbour Authority Act 1984 removal of notification request to remove a notification by the Sydney Harbour Foreshore Authority.


Declaration of Crown land pursuant to section 138 Crown Lands Act 1989 form 11R, information and procedures


Declaration of trust a copy of an instrument declaring a trust may be deposited under s82(2) Real Property Act 1900 for safe custody and reference.


Heritage agreement form 11R information, process and procedures.


Merger of lease, mortgage or charge request to remove registered interest.


Native vegetation property agreement information, processs and procedure.


Order of Court or injunction information, processes and procedures.


Order of Court vesting land in an Aboriginal Land Council also as regards a Crown land lease.


Planning agreement applicant must be the planning authority.


Positive covenant for maintenance repair of easement site may be created by the parties to a registered easement.


Record a compliance cost notice applicant must be the Environmental Protection Authority or an appropriate regulatory authority.


Record the mortgagor or charger as registered proprietor information, processes and procedures.


Registered Orders of Court and injunctions staff processing information only.


Removal of a recording registered proprietor of an estate or interest may apply to have a notification removed from the Torrens Title Register.

Removal of a Retirement Village Notification form 11R information, process and procedures.


Removal of limitation by a request.


Removal or variation of a conservation agreement by a request from the National Parks and Wildlife Service.


Removal or variation of a native vegetation property agreement by a request.


Reserves drainage and public request for drainage and public reserves on land owned by local council.


Restriction on transfer pursuant to s24 Housing Act 2001 applicant must be the New South Wales Land and Housing Corporation.


Retirement Village Notification request retirement village.


Revocation of or amendment to a planning agreement information, processes and procedures


Roads information, processes and procedures.


Subpoenas refer to the Public Inquiry Officer, NSW LRS.


Transfer resulting in a merger if registered interest is stated in the Encumbrances the transfer will be registered and the interest will remain on the Register.


Request 11R - folios of the Register

Creation of a consolidated folio of the Register request to consolidate folios of the Register where separate folios of the Register exist.


Creation of separate folios of the Register may be requested under certain circumstances.


Request 11R - Leases

Determination of lease by frustration a lease may be determined without notice under common law rules.


Determination of lease by notice a lease may be determined by notice pursuant to an express provision in the lease.


Determination of lease by re-entry lease may be determined by the re-entry of the lessor.


Expired lease removal where lease has been carried forward as a subsisting interest a Request form may be lodged to expire the lease.


Implied surrender of lease a current lease noted on the Register may be surrendered by an incoming lease.


Surrender of lease by operation of law may occur where lessee has left premises in such a manner as to imply a surrender of the lease.


Termination of retirement village lease on satisfaction of the requirements set out in s129(2) Retirement Villages Act 1999.


Request 11R - Resumption Acquistion

Notice of proposed acquisition terms resumption and acquisition are identical for NSW LRS purposes and apply to land or easements resumed pursuant to NSW or Commonwealth Government Acts.


Remove notice of proposed acquisition a Request form 11R may be lodged to record the compulsory acquisition of the land etc.


Rescission of resumption information, processes and procedures.


Rescission of resumption non RPA land information and procedures.


Resumption of non-RPA land information, processes and procedures.


Resumption of RPA land or easement information, processes and procedures.