All joint tenants deceased where two or more registered proprietors hold as joint tenants and all are deceased. Deceased or renounced administrator contains information regarding circumstances when an administrator dies before lodgment of a transmission application or renounces the administration. Deceased or renounced executor contains information regarding circumstances where a sole executor registered as proprietor on the title dies or renounces their executorial duties. Deceased or renounced trustee contains information regarding circumstances where the trustee of a deceased registered proprietor's estate or interest dies or renounces their duty. Double probate is issued when an executor to whom leave has been reserved in a previous grant applies for a grant in the same estate. Notice of death form 02ND may be used by the surviving joint tenant/s when one or more joint tenants are deceased. Suitably modified, the dealing may also be used for a termination of a life estate. Transmission applications forms 03AD & 03AE may be used by the executor or beneficiary to vest the property of a deceased registered proprietor in their names.
Published Date: October 2024