Part 4 - Optional matters

This part may include any other by-laws that the developer wishes to add. Part 7 and schedule 2 Community Land Development Act 2021 identify such items as keeping of animals, laundry, safety and security measures, noise control and trading activities that a developer may wish to address. These matters are itemised for assistance only and are not intended to limit the matters that may be included.

If a concept plan is included in the management statement, it must comply with the Lodgment Rules regarding images annexed to Instruments.

These by-laws may be amended or revoked by a special resolution of the community, precinct or neighbourhood association.

1. Laundry

Whether there are to be any restrictions on where laundry items may or may not be hung to dry should be outlined.

2. Safety and security measures

Details of any security systems may be set out along with details of any controls to be imposed to enhance safety within the scheme. Provisions may be made for:

  • the use and storage of dangerous chemicals etc 
  • the care and control of children within lots and association property
  • fencing and security gates around recreation areas such as swimming pools
  • in rural schemes, the utilisation of dangerous farm machinery, pesticides and other chemicals.

3. Keeping of animals

This may detail whether and under what conditions a proprietor or occupier may keep on the community property a domestic animal or pet.

4. Quiet enjoyment of another lot or the association property

Provide details regarding the obligation of owners within a scheme not to interfere with the quiet enjoyment of another lot or association property.

5. Noise control

Provisions may be included defining unacceptable noise levels, dealing with noise control and with the obligation of the proprietor of a lot within the scheme not to interfere with the quiet enjoyment of another lot. Where the scheme includes commercial property and the potential exists for noise or other disturbances from parking areas, road access, music from taverns etc specific by-laws should be considered.

6. Trading activity

Details may be provided of any business or trading activity to be carried out by the association and the method of distributing and sharing any profit or loss.

7. Control and preservation of the essence or theme of the development under the scheme

Provide details on how the essence or theme of the development of the scheme is going to be preserved.

8. Architectural and landscaping guidelines

Provide details on the architectural and landscaping guidelines which are to be observed by the lot owners in the scheme.

9. Statutory easements

If statutory easements are to be created a diagram must be included showing the position of the service lines in accordance with section 34 Community Land Development Act 2021. The services listed in the by-law set out in Mandatory Matters (Part 3) should be consistent with those shown on the diagram.

10. Agreements for services or recreational facilities

Details of any service arrangements, other than service agreements made with a public authority, must be provided if the agreements are intended to continue after the first annual general meeting. Failure to disclose such agreements may result in their termination at the end of the first annual general meeting in accordance with section 122 Community Land Management Act 2021.

11. Access ways

If any association property is to be set apart as public or private access way a plan defining the site must be annexed in accordance with Part 6 Community Land Development Act 2021.

If it is intended to create access ways upon registration of the scheme, a plan defining the access ways is prepared on and numbered as a sheet of the Management Statement. The access ways are part of the association property and the plan defines their position. See section 27 Community Land Development Regulation 2021.

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