Approved form 10 - Certificate re initial period

Approved Form 10 (PDF 7.9 KB) must be lodged together with any documents that upon registration will perform an action that is not permitted during the initial period unless they are in accordance with a development contract. These documents include but are not limited to:

  • A strata plan of subdivision which subdivides common property or creates common property
  • A dealing that will create or diminish common property. This includes creating an easement which affects common property or releasing an easement which benefits common property
  • A change of by-laws which makes, amends or repeals a by-law (unless that by-law confers a right or imposes an obligation on all lots in the scheme equally). See section 140 Strata Schemes Management Act 2015.

Completion of this form indicates the initial period has expired or the original proprietor still owns all the lots in the scheme.

How to complete the form

If the initial period has expired

Strike through the second option.

If the original developer still owns all the lots in the scheme

Strike through the first option.

See Approved form 23 - Attestation page for the completion of the final part of this certificate.