Consolidation or change of by-laws

Upon registration of a strata plan by-laws are adopted as indicated on the administration sheets. See Administration sheets page.

As the scheme operates it may be desirable to the owners corporation to make changes to the by-laws. The changes may include:

  • creating new by-laws
  • repealing existing by-laws
  • amending existing by-laws,
  • combining separately recorded changes of by-laws into a single consolidated list.

Clause 24 Strata Schemes Development Regulation 2016 requires that any change to by-laws must be lodged as a consolidation version of the by-laws. All current notifications of by-laws will be removed from the common property title and it will be updated to refer to the consolidated version. See Consolidation of by-laws. The list of by-laws must be numbered appropriately.

The actions are all performed by the lodgment of a Real Property Act dealing form Consolidation/Change of By-Laws form 15CH (PDF 83 KB) with NSW LRS.

All NSW legislation can be accessed at