Crown land restrictions repealed legislation

See Crown land restrictions current legislation page.

Closer Settlement Act 1904

s31(1)  now Part 1 Schedule 3  SP (Settlement Purchase).  No longer applies.  Removed with any dealing.

s31(2) or (3)  now Part 3 Schedule 3  SP (Settlement Purchase).  No longer applies.  Removed with any dealing.  See Basal land.

Closer Settlement Act 1918

s3  now Schedule 4  Minister's approval by form 19MA creating a new tenure for the part is required.  For subdivision of a tenure.  Removed after payment of moneys in full by 19MA.

Closer Settlement Act 1943

s13  now Schedule 4  Minister's approval by form 19MA creating a new tenure for the part is required.  For subdivision of a tenure.  Removed after payment of moneys in full by 19MA.

Closer Settlement (Amendment) Act 1909

s21B  now Part 2 Schedule 3  AP (Auction Purchase), TP (Tender Purchase).  No longer applies.  Removed with any dealing.

Closer Settlement (Amendment) Act 1914

s4A  now Part 2 Schedule 3  AAP (After Auction Purchase), ATP (After Tender Purchase).  No longer applies.  Removed with any dealing.

Closer Settlement Amendment (Conversion) Act 1943

s11(1)  now Part 1 Schedule 3  CSL (Closer Settlement Lease), GPL (Group Purchase Lease), SPL (Settlement Purchase Lease).  Minister's consent is required for:

  • a transfer of the CSL, GPL or SPL, for exceptions
  • a sub-lease of the CSL, GPL or SPL; and
  • a variation of the CSL, GPL or SPL or sublease.

s11(1A)  now Part 3 Schedule 3  CSL (Closer Settlement Lease).  Entered on build-up land.  A Registrar General's caveat is entered on the basal land.  Minister's consent is required for a transfer of the build-up land separate from the basal land, for exceptions.

Crown Lands Consolidation Act 1913

s37KK  now being s102 Crown Lands Act 1989. For Reserve Trusts. For Reserve Trusts. Requires Minister's consent to:

  • transfer, lease or mortgage;
  • any dealing affecting a lease or mortgage and/or
  • grant or release of an easement.

Removed on registration of a transfer by the Reserve Trust.

s64A  Repealed.  Removed with any dealing.

s68(1)  Reclamation of water frontage. Restriction(s) on the use of land contained in the crown grant

s75A  now Part 1 Schedule 3  SpL (Special Lease extended to perpetuity).  Minister's consent is required for:

  • a transfer of the SpL, for exceptions
  • a sub-lease of the SpL and
  • a variation of the SpL or sublease.

Removed by 13KR.

s75B  now Part 1 Schedule 3  SpL (Special Lease granted in perpetuity). Minister's consent is required for:

  • a transfer of the SpL, for exceptions
  • a sub-lease of the SpL and
  • a variation of the SpL or sublease.

Removed by 13KR.

s82A(h)  TLLP (Town Lands Lease Purchase) not in an Irrigation Area.  Restriction on number of lots held.  Minister's consent is not required.

s93  Repealed.  Removed with any dealing.

s101  now Part 1 Schedule 3  SL (Settlement Lease). Minister's consent is required for:

  • a transfer of the SL, for exceptions
  • a sub-lease of the SL and
  • a variation of the SL or sublease.

s109(3)  now being Clause 17(4) Schedule 8 Crown Lands Act 1989Deferred survey.  Forfeiture provisions apply.  Removed after payment of purchase moneys by 19MA.  Minister's consent is not required.

s119A  HF (Homestead Farm) (lease).  Compensation conditions related to resumption.  Minister's consent is not required.

s123  Repealed.  Remove from the title.

s129  now Part 1 Schedule 3  SH (Suburban Holding).  Minister's consent is required for:

  • a transfer of the SH, for exceptions
  • a sub-lease of the SH and
  • a variation of the SH or sublease.

Removed on satisfaction of conditions by 13KR.

s129B  Part 1 Schedule 3  SHP (Suburban Holding Purchase).  No longer applies.  Removed with any dealing.

s142, s142B  now Clause 6 & 7 Part 1 Schedule 2 Crown Lands (Cont. Tenures) Act 1989  IFP (Irrigation Farm Purchase), NIP (Non-irrigable Purchase).  Restrictions on the use of the land; remains on title with forfeiture provisions.  Removed by 19MA or 13KR.  Minister's consent is not required.

s142B  now Clause 6 & 7 Part 1 Schedule 2 Crown Lands (Cont. Tenures) Act 1989  TLP (Town Land Purchase).  Restrictions on the use of the land; remains on title with forfeiture provisions.  Removed by 19MA or 13KR.  Minister's consent is not required.

s142D  now Clause 6 & 7 Part 1 Schedule 2 Crown Lands (Cont. Tenures) Act 1989  IFL (Irrigation Farm Lease), NIL (Non-irrigable lease), TLL (Town Lands Lease).  Restrictions on the use of the land; remains on title with forfeiture provisions.  Minister's consent is not required.

s144F  Repealed.  Removed with any dealing.

s145A  now Part 1 Schedule 3  IFL (Irrigation Farm Lease), NIL (Non-irrigable Lease).  Minister's consent is required for:

  • a transfer of the IFL or NIL, for exceptions
  • a sub-lease of the IFL or NI; and
  • a variation of the IFL or NIL or sublease.

Removed by 13KR.

IFP (Irrigation Farm Purchase), NIP (Non-irrigable Purchase).  No longer applies.  Removed with any dealing.

s145A  now Part 2 Schedule 3  TLL (Town Land Lease).  Minister's consent is required for a transfer of the the TLL, for exceptions.  Removed by 13KR.

TLP (Town Land Purchase).  No longer applies.  Removed with any dealing.

s146 Schedule 4  IFL (Irrigation Farm Lease), NIL (Non-irrigable lease), TLL (Town Lands Lease).  Minister's approval by form 19MA creating a new tenure for the part is required.  For subdivision of a tenure.

s146B Schedule 4  IFP (Irrigation Farm Purchase), NIP (Non-irrigable Purchase), TLP (Town Land Purchase).  Minister's approval by form 19MA creating a new tenure for the part is required.  For subdivision of a tenure.  Removed after payment of purchase moneys by 19MA.

s147  now being Part 6 Crown Lands Act 1989.  Forfeiture provisions.

s183(1)  now being Clause 17(4) Schedule 8 Crown Lands Act 1989Deferred survey.  Forfeiture provisions apply.  Removed after payment of purchase moneys by 19MA.  Minister's consent is not required.

s184(1)(h)  now being Clause 17(4) Schedule 8 Crown Lands Act 1989. Deferred survey.  Forfeiture provisions apply.  Removed after payment of purchase moneys by 19MA.  Minister's consent is not required.

s188  now being s172 Crown Lands Act 1989.  Land with boundaries to lakes, roads etc.  Minister's consent is not required.

s235A  now being s172 Crown Lands Act 1989.  Land with boundaries to lakes, roads etc.  Minister's consent is not required.

s257  now Schedule 4 Minister's approval by form 19MA creating a new tenure for the part is required.  For subdivision of a tenure.  Removed after payment of purchase moneys by 19MA.

s265  now Part 1 Schedule 3 CPL (Conditonal Purchase Lease) applied for before 1.2.1909 and a CL (Conditional Lease) created by conversion thereof.  Minister's consent is required for:

  • a transfer of the CL, for exceptions
  • a sub-lease of the CL and
  • a variation of the CL or sublease.

CP (Conditional Purchase).  No longer applies.  Removed with any dealing.

s272  now  Part 1 Schedule 3 CL (Conditional Lease), CPL (Conditional Purchase Lease), HS (Homestead Selection) (lease), SL (Settlement Lease).  Minister's consent is required for:

  • a transfer of the CL, CPL, HS or SL, for exceptions
  • a sub-lease of the CL, CPL, HS or SL and
  • a variation of the CL, CPL, HS or SL or sublease.

CP (Conditional Purchase).  No longer applies.  Removed with any dealing.

s274  now Part 1 Schedule 3  CnL (Crown Lease), HF (Homestead Farm) (lease).  Minister's consent is required for:

  • a transfer of the CnL or HF, for exceptions
  • a sub-lease of the CnL or HF and
  • a variation of the CnL or HF or sublease.

s274A  now Part 2 Schedule 3  WEL (Week-end Lease).  Minister's consent is required for a transfer of the the WEL, for exceptions.  Removed on satisfaction of conditions by 13KR.

s274B  now Part 2 Schedule 3  AP (Auction Purchase), AAP (After Auction Purchase), ATP (After Tender Purchase), TP (Tender Purchase).  No longer applies.  Removed with any dealing.

Clause 12 Regulation 106  now Part 1 Schedule 3  SpL (Special Lease for a term).  Minister's consent is required for:

  • a transfer of the SpL, for exceptions
  • a sub-lease of the SpL and
  • a variation of the SpL or sublease.

Removed by 13KR.

Clause 12 in T92000  now Part 1 Schedule 3  SpL (Special Lease for a term).  Minister's consent is required for:

  • a transfer of the SpL, for exceptions
  • a sub-lease of the SpL and
  • a variation of the SpL or sublease.

Removed by 13KR.

Clause 5.1 in W797308  now Part 1 Schedule 3  SpL (Special Lease for a term).  Minister's consent is required for:

  • a transfer of the SpL, for exceptions
  • a sub-lease of the SpL and
  • a variation of the SpL or sublease.

Removed by 13KR.

Regulation 222A  Same as Q1 Registrar General's Caveat.  Entered to protect the interest of the mortgagor. 

Forestry Act 1916

s20A  now s34 Forestry Act 2012. Perpetual Lease where the land is dedicated as State Forest. Requires Minister's consent to create an easement burdening the land.

Prickly-pear Act 1924

s20(3)  now Part 1 Schedule 3  PPL (Prickly-pear Lease).  Minister's consent is required for:

  • a transfer of the PPL, for exceptions
  • a sub-lease of the PPL and
  • a variation of the PPL or sublease.

s21B  now Schedule 4  PPL (Prickly-pear Lease).  Minister's approval by form 19MA creating a new tenure for the part is required.  For subdivision of a tenure.

Returned Soldiers Settlement Act 1916

s10  now Part 1 Schedule 3  RSSH (Returned Soldiers Special Holding) (lease).  Minister's consent is required for:

  • a transfer of the RSSH, for exceptions
  • a sub-lease of the RSSH and
  • a variation of the RSSH or sublease.

RSSHP (Returned Soldiers Special Holding Purchase), SGP (Soldiers Group Purchase).  No longer applies.  Removed with any dealing.

Regulation 11  now Schedule 4  CSL (Closer Settlement Lease), RSSH (Returned Soldiers Special Holding) (lease), RSSHP (Returned Soldiers Special Holding Purchase), SGP (Soldiers Group Purchase).  Minister's approval by form 19MA creating a new tenure for the part is required.  For subdivision of a tenure.  Removed after payment of moneys by 19MA.