NSW LRS searching guides

If you are interested in exploring NSW's land heritage, the following  historical guides may assist you in conducting online and over-the-counter searches of current and historical information.

Please note these documents are here for historical purposes only and information contained within may be inaccurate or out of date. 


A Brief History of the Records of the Registrar General (PDF 2.8 MB)
Published 04 Sep 2013

This publication offers a brief history of the Office of the Registrar General since its inception in 1843 and the records it holds which date back to 1792. It also describes how land was initially acquired and consequently managed.

First Stop Guide to the Records of the Registrar General (PDF 1.6 MB)
Published 04 Sep 2013

The First Stop Guide is the first of five publications that detail the history of and information about searching and accessing land titling records in NSW. This guide aims to be your 'First Stop' in helping you decide which publication(s) suits your particular searching needs.

Old System Information and Search Guide (PDF 4.1 MB)
Published 04 Aug 2013

This guide explains the intricacies of Old System land title and offers advice and tips on how to search the indexes and documents that have been registered with the Registrar General since New South Wales (NSW) was founded.

Searching the Registrar General's Maps and Plans (PDF 4.6 MB)
Published 04 Sep 2013

This guide has been prepared to provide a reference guide to NSW Land Registry Services (NSW LRS) mapping and plan resources and as a research tool for historical inquiry.

Torrens Title Information and Search Guide (PDF 2.5 MB)
Published 04 Sep 2013

This guide describes how Torrens title information has been recorded historically and offers practical information on how to locate current and historical Torrens title information.