On 11 October 2021, the Real Property Amendment (Certificates of Title) Act 2021 commenced, which abolished the Certificates of Title (CTs) and the control of the right to deal (CoRD) framework. All existing CTs have been cancelled and CTs will no longer be issued. Existing CTs will not need to be produced, and CoRD holder consent will not be required, for a dealing or plan to be registered. All existing Guidelines subject to this change are currently being reviewed and will be updated to reflect these changes. For further information regarding the abolition of CTs, please see https://www.registrargeneral.nsw.gov.au/property-and-conveyancing/eConveyancing/abolition-of-certificates-of-title

Land dealings change log

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11 December 2014 Native vegetation property agreement Update page
11 December 2014 Annexure Updated sections on Execution Page and clause numbering.
11 December 2014 Statutory Declaration Update page to refer to s6 of the Legal Profession Act 2004 and update links to South Australia and Victoria statutory declarations
11 December 2014 Restriction on Transfer pursuant to s18 Housing Providers (Adoption of National Law) Act 2012 Included reference to Family and Community Services and updated registration procedure.
11 December 2014 Lease and Sublease Updated Marginal note (C) on Lease page and Marginal Note (D) on Sublease page
11 December 2014 Transmission application by executor, administrator or trustee Marginal Note (F) updated.
11 December 2014 Multiple instruments Paragraph on multiple instruments added to 'Mortgage of lease', 'Notice of Death', 'Sublease', 'Surrender of lease', 'Transmission applications', 'Withdrawal of Caveat', 'Change of name' and 'Transfer severing a joint tenancy' pages.
14 November 2014 Lapsing Notice Update Note to read 'Where the claim in the subject caveat was made pursuant to the Criminal Assets Recovery Act 1990 or the caveator is the NSW Crimes Commission, the application must not be accepted'
11 November 2014 Caveat Update to Marginal note (G)
11 November 2014 Transfer Including Covenant Page updated to include phrase 'The lodgment fee of a Transfer including covenant (Form 01TCV) includes the fee payable for the covenant.'
10 November 2014 Components of dealing forms Multiple instrument list updated - 'a single transfer of more than one lease, mortgage or charge' added
10 November 2014 Transfer Update staff processing information
10 November 2014 Transfer of lease, mortgage of charge A transfer of more than one lease, mortgage or charge involving the same transferor (eg. the same mortgagee) and transferee is a multiple instrument.
29 October 2014 Dedicated land and reserves Section on removal of a dedication for religious purposes added
29 October 2014 Cautions Updated point referring to 's28J' under 'A caution may be removed from the folio, hence converting the Qualified title into a full Torrens title, by the following actions:'
15 October 2014 Notifications Page updated - removed references regarding Water Access Licences
15 October 2014 Fees Updated page - removed references regarding Water Access Licences
30 September 2014 Request pursuant to Section 46C Real Property Act 1900 and Section 18(3) of the Community Housing Providers (Adoption of National Law) Act 2012 Update page
24 September 2014 Transfer Added paragraphs on current and expired leases with an option to purchase noted on title.
16 September 2014 Aboriginal Co-operatives Update paragraph on Aboriginal Co-operatives to refer to current legislation, i.e. section 49 of the Co-Operatives (Adoption of National Law) Act 2012.
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