On 11 October 2021, the Real Property Amendment (Certificates of Title) Act 2021 commenced, which abolished the Certificates of Title (CTs) and the control of the right to deal (CoRD) framework. All existing CTs have been cancelled and CTs will no longer be issued. Existing CTs will not need to be produced, and CoRD holder consent will not be required, for a dealing or plan to be registered. All existing Guidelines subject to this change are currently being reviewed and will be updated to reflect these changes. For further information regarding the abolition of CTs, please see https://www.registrargeneral.nsw.gov.au/property-and-conveyancing/eConveyancing/abolition-of-certificates-of-title

Land dealings change log

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11 June 2014 Aboriginal Bodies Section on Aboriginal Associations updated and section on deregistered Aboriginal corporations added.
11 June 2014 Aboriginal Association Added point 'the Registrar of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporations can execute a dealing on behalf of a deregistered Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporation (s 546.30 of the C(ATSI)A 2006)'. under the heading 'Aboriginal Corporations Incorporated under the Corporations (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander) Act 2006 (Cth).'
11 June 2014 Planning Agreement

Updated phrase to read 'A plan fee is payable for a plan referred to in the description of the Planning Agreement.' and updated staff processing information.

11 June 2014 Conservation Agreement

Updated phrase to read 'A plan fee is payable for a plan referred to in the description of the agreement.' and updated staff processing information.

23 May 2014 KR Notification Reinstate KR Notfication and update Staff processing information
12 May 2014 Application for replacement certificate of title

Dot point 'certified copies of identification documents of the authorised officer acting on behalf of the company as set out in the following table' removed from list under the heading - Rate notice exemptions.

02 May 2014 Removal of note/phrase Note/phrase 'The address of the witness is not required for a mortgagee that is a financial institution.' removed from various pages - Discharge of Mortgage, Mortgage, Mortgage of Lease, Mortgage or Charge, Postponement of Mortgage and Variation of Mortgage.
02 May 2014 Witness Removal of phrase 'a witness attesting the execution by an attorney for a financial institution is not required to provide an address' - various pages.
16 April 2014 Components of dealing forms Update to Certificate of correctness section
03 April 2014 Removal of a planning agreement New page
31 March 2014 Civil and Administrative Tribunal Update name of Consumer Trader & Tenancy Tribunal to Civil and Administrative Tribunal various pages.
27 March 2014 Change of Name Paragraph added - 'Where a company etc has changed its name an office copy of the Certificate of Registration of Change of Name in accordance with the Corporations Act 2001 (Commonwealth) or other appropriate legislation must be produced. The evidence will be filmed with the dealing'.
14 March 2014 Lapsing Notice Update Marginal Note (G) Part A
14 March 2014 Property Vegetation Plan The registered proprietor must notify every registered mortgagee recorded on the certificate of title of the Property Vegetation Plan.
11 March 2014 Concurrent Lease Amend phrase 'The concurrent lessee is not required to sign or consent to:' to read 'The concurrent lessee is not required to consent to:'
11 March 2014 Aboriginal dealings Reference to Memorandum AF395175 removed - replaced by Memorandum AI55778
24 February 2014 Memorandum Update Staff processing information
14 February 2014 Party Taking List of acceptable abbreviations by ASIC added.
22 November 2013 Cautions Page updated
21 November 2013 Caveat Marginal Note (D) updated
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