How can I check if land is affected by a Commonwealth emissions reduction offsets project?


Under the Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative) Act 2011 (‘the Act’), the Clean Energy Regulator administers crediting and emissions reductions under the provisions of the Act. The Act supports the Commonwealth Government’s climate change policy.

The Act allows certain persons to participate in offsets projects and emissions reduction or avoidance projects on land in Australia.

Landholders that participate in an offsets project under the Emissions Reduction Fund may have an obligation to maintain the land subject to an offsets project for lengthy periods of up to 100 years.

Please note that there is no notation made on the NSW Land Titles Register.

If you are interested in purchasing land that may be subject to a sequestration offsets project, or other project under the Act, you may check if it is registered in the ACCU scheme project register maintained on the Clean Energy Regulator’s website.

As the ACCU scheme project register is maintained by the Clean Energy Regulator, the information contained in it cannot be verified by NSW LRS.

The Clean Energy Regulator be contacted directly for further assistance on 1300 553 542


Publication Date: July 2024