On 11 October 2021, the Real Property Amendment (Certificates of Title) Act 2021 commenced, which abolished the Certificates of Title (CTs) and the control of the right to deal (CoRD) framework. All existing CTs have been cancelled and CTs will no longer be issued. Existing CTs will not need to be produced, and CoRD holder consent will not be required, for a dealing or plan to be registered. All existing Guidelines subject to this change are currently being reviewed and will be updated to reflect these changes. For further information regarding the abolition of CTs, please see https://www.registrargeneral.nsw.gov.au/property-and-conveyancing/eConveyancing/abolition-of-certificates-of-title

Land dealings change log

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14 July 2017 Statutory Bodies Sydney Olympic Park Authority added to list of State owned corporations.
30 June 2017 Evidence Certified copies section updated to include documents that only exist in electronic form.
30 June 2017 ABN,ACN and ARBN List of ACN & ARBN exceptions updated to include organisations incorporated and registered pursuant to the Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Act 2009 (Cth).
27 June 2017 Variation or modification of positive covenant Marginal Note (F) updated.
27 June 2017 Annexures

Following information added, 'Annexures must not include photographs nor any non-essential information.

Annexures lodged containing photographs and/or any non-essential information must be requisitioned for removal of this documentation. Where doubt exists the case must be submitted to Legal.'

15 June 2017 Prescribed authorities List of prescribed authorities updated.
15 June 2017 Variation of electricity network assets lease Epsilon Distribution Ministerial Holding Corporation Lease AM475160 and Sublease AM475161 added to Electricity Network table.
14 June 2017 Application to dispense with production of Certificate of Title lost after settlement Marginal Note (D) updated.
09 June 2017 Party dealing with the land or interest Page updated.
06 June 2017 Managed persons: NSW Trustee and Guardian Section on 'Execution of dealings' updated.
06 June 2017 Companies Section on deregistered companies updated.
31 May 2017 Notice of Lapsing of a Strata Renewal Plan affecting a Strata Renewal Scheme New page.
31 May 2017 Lost Documents Paragraph on ' Unregistered dealing or document lost in the office' updated.
30 May 2017 Variation of electricity network assets lease New page.
24 May 2017 Possessory Application Sentence 'Additional fees may be assessed and will be payable before the title issues.' removed. Updated 19/5/2017
24 May 2017 Transfer granting easement over own land Marginal Note (D) updated.
24 May 2017 Transfer Pages 'Transfer', 'Transfer involving crown land' & 'Transfer by a local council' updated
24 May 2017 Transfer including easement Marginal Note (L) updated.
24 May 2017 Transfer granting easement Marginal Note (E) updated.
24 May 2017 Reserves drainage and public Last paragraph added under public reserves. Updated 9/5/2017
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