Deposited plans change log

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23 July 2014 Plans exempt from subdivision certificate

references to Roads and Traffic Authority (RTA) replaced with Roads and Maritime Services (RMS) - 23 July 2014

paragraph added under - Subdivision of a Crown Reserve title - 19 August 2009

23 July 2014 Proposed road widening references to Roads and Traffic Authority replaces with Roads and Maritime Services - 23 July 2014
23 July 2014 Acquisitions for road purposes references to Roads and Traffic Authority (RTA) replaced with Roads and Maritime Services (RMS) - 23 July 2014
23 July 2014 Easement sites shown in early deposited plans reference to Roads and Traffic Authority replaced with Roads and Maritime Services - 23 July 2014
23 July 2014 Leases affecting road references to Roads and Traffic Authority (RTA) replaced with Roads and Maritime Services (RMS) - 23 July 2014
23 July 2014 Council public roads reference to Roads and Traffic Authority replaced with Roads and Maritime Services - 23 July 2014
23 July 2014 Acquisition by road authorities (not the Crown) references to Roads and Traffic Authority (RTA) replaced with Roads and Maritime Services (RMS)- 23 July 2014
23 July 2014 General standards

new bullet point added to second paragraph - 23 July 2014

new bullet point - all adjoining info should be shown and be current as at date of lodgment of the plan

new content - Mathematical Closure of Parcels 4 June 2013

23 July 2014 Road opening by the Roads and Maritime Services heading changed from 'Road opening by the Roads and Traffic Authority' to 'Road opening by the Roads and Maritime Services' and references to RTA replaced with RMS - 23 July 2014
23 July 2014 Crown roads references to Roads and Traffic Authority replaced with Roads and Maritime Services - 23 July 2014
23 July 2014 Closing roads reference to Roads and Traffic Authority (RTA) replaced with Roads and Maritime Services (RMS) - 23 July 2014
23 July 2014 Plan types

new bullet point added under 'Acquisition or resumption', new section 'Delimitation' added, Note added and second bullet point under 'Lease' edited, new bullet point added under 'Surrender' - 23 July 2014

new bullet point and capitalised text added under 'The plan must' - 12 June 2014

new content - Crown Road enclosure - 2 May 2012
23 July 2014 Opening of public roads prior to 1 July 1993

references to Roads and Traffic Authority (RTA) replaced with Roads and Maritime Services (RMS) - 23 July 2014

1920 to 1993 Road dedication under part 9 LGA 1919 - "Council" replaces "original subdivider" - 21 February 2011

07 July 2014 Consents to natural boundaries

references to NSW Maritime Authority replaced with Roads & Maritime Services

PO Box number, telephone number and fax number changed - 4 July 2013

new content - Where the new plan is the first definition of the MHWM - 02 May 2012

07 July 2014 Drainage reserves Note 1 and Note 2 added - 12 June 2014
07 July 2014 New or proposed easements

added section with heading Easements with multiple widths, including the easement plan example 1 and example 2 diagrams - 24 June 2014

deleted section with heading Easements with multiple widths - 10 April 2014

text added to third bullet point - 12 March 2014

new example provided under Easements with multiple widths and new bullet points added under New or proposed easements - 30 May 2013

07 July 2014 Public reserves

Note 2 added under heading 'Public reserves' - 12 June 2014

note added and text deleted under 'Plans of easement' - 4 Novemebr 2009

20 February 2014 Release by consolidation of tenements replaced the word 'benefited' with 'burdened' in Note
04 December 2013 Windfarms

10 December 2013 - image showing example of a plan added under Definition on the plan

4 December 2013 - revised content on the page and added all new content under Definition on the plan

04 December 2013 Plan requirements Updated links to new Pipelines Regulation 2013 forms under Accompanying instruments
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