
These terms are commonly used in electronic conveyancing.

Electronic Lodgment Network (ELN)

An online system for the preparation of electronic dealings and their lodgment in NSW LRS.

Electronic Lodgment Network Operator (ELNO) 

A provider of electronic conveyancing (eConveyancing) services. 

ELN Document ID

The unique number allocated to each document created in an ELNO.

Electronic lodgment case

Registry instruments lodged electronically which form an electronic lodgment case.

Land Registry Document Identification

This is a national term referring to the dealing number allocated after lodgment.

Land title

This is a national term referring to the Folio of the Register.

Property Exchange Australia (PEXA)

This is an online system for lodging electronic registry instruments.

Registry instrument

This is a national term referring to a dealing.

Responsible Subscriber

Refers to the lodging party.


A subscriber is a person or business authorised to complete electronic conveyancing transactions using an ELNO on behalf of a client eg solicitors and conveyancers, or on their own behalf, e.g. financial institutions and government agencies.


This is an online system for lodging electronic registry instruments.