e-Conveyancing FAQs

The following are general FAQs regarding eConveyancing and more detailed FAQs on settlement and administrative changes.



What is PEXA?


What is a subscriber?


Who can lodge dealings electronically?


Will electronically lodged dealings become public records for searching purposes?


How will I know when an electronic dealing has been registered?


Who do I contact if I have questions about changes to NSW LRS processes?


Who do I contact on how the ELN system works?


Can I order title searches through an ELNO?


Will NSW LRS be providing a title search to the ELNO workspace?


Can interstate practitioners operate in NSW through an ELNO?


Can NSW practitioners operate in other states and territories through an ELNO?


Will there be requisitions on electronically lodged dealings?


How do I process a transaction electronically when the vendor has changed their name but the land title still shows the former name?


Procedural and administrative


How do I satisfy a requisition for an electronic dealing?


Can a subscriber withdraw an electronically lodged dealing?


How do I order a copy of a registered electronic dealing?

Priority Notice (PN)


What is the purpose of a Priority Notice (PN)?


How is a PN lodged?


How long is a PN effective for?


Can a person lodge more than one PN on a title?


Can there be more than one PN recorded on a title?


What happens when a PN expires?


Who can extend or withdraw a PN?


How many extensions can be lodged?


While a PN is lodged, can other dealings not listed in the PN be registered?


How is a PN lapsed?


Can a PN be lodged against any titles?


What if the details in the PN do not match the details in the lodged dealings?


Can a Caveat prevent a PN?