Withdrawal or termination of an agreement for sale

An agreement for sale (of land) may be withdrawn or terminated at any time.

The following indexing rules apply:

Locality:  required if there is no Principal Deed.  The situation of the land.

Link Conveyance:  required if there is no Principal Deed and Old System land is affected.  The last conveyance or acknowledgment prior to Book 4000.  Indicate whole W or part P.  Nil if the Pprincipal Deed is registered.

Principal Deed:  if registered, the affected agreement for sale.

Noting:  "Termination/withdrawal of agreement for sale affecting [description of the land]".

If there is no Principal Deed, state: "Termination/withdrawal of agreement for sale affecting unregistered agreement for sale dated affecting [land description]".

V:  all parties to the affected agreement for sale, deceased estates or trusts, and any variations thereof.

P:  nil.