Structured dealings


Discharge of mortgage (electronic) is an instrument used to remove the recording of the mortgage from a land title.


National Mortgage (electronic) is an instrument used to register a new mortgage over the land title.


Transfer (electronic) is an instrument used to register the transfer of ownership of land to another person.


Notice of Sale (electronic) electronic transfers lodged require a Notice of Sale to accompany the dealing.


Caveat (electronic) is a form of statutory injunction provided for under the Real Property Act 1900.


Withdrawal of caveat (electronic) is an instrument used by a caveator to remove a caveat from the land title.


Priority Notice (electronic) information, processes and procedures.


Extension of Priority Notice (electronic) information, processes and procedures.


Withdrawal of Priority Notice (electronic) information, processes and procedures.


Transmission Application (electronic) by a devisee, beneficiary or next-of-kin or by executor, administrator or trustee (Please note that the electronic Transmission Application cannot be used for an interest in land).


Lease (electronic) is an instrument used to register a new lease over the land title.

Notice of Death (electronic) by a surviving joint tenant.

Transfer of Interest (electronic) is an instrument used to register the transfer of ownership of a mortgage or charge to another person or corporation.