Caveat (electronic)

A caveat is a form of statutory injunction provided for under the Real Property Act 1900. A caveat records a claim for a legal or equitable estate or interest in land. Once a caveat is lodged in NSW it remains effective until it is withdrawn (either by the caveator or court order) or until it lapses.

A caveat must not be lodged without reasonable cause. Any person who lodges a caveat without reasonable cause may be liable for damages.

A caveat noted on the Register will not prevent recording and is effective from the time of lodgment. For more information about caveats, see What is a Caveat? FAQ page.

An electronic Caveat can be lodged where it affects the whole of the land.

A Caveat must be lodged as a Dealing with Exception in certain instances, see Lodgment Rules Exception page. 

For information to assist with completing a Caveat in an ELNO, see ELNO guidance notes for Caveat.