Reference marks for new roads

Placement of reference marks for the purpose of defining new road or redefining road widening must be in accordance with cl.31 Surveying and Spatial Information Regulation 2012.

City or urban surveys

Reference marks must be placed at:

  • the junction or intersection of roads - where necessary marks must connect to both ends of a splayed corner
  • each end, each angle and each tangent point in the road, and to the terminals of any series of chords, or any regular curve in a road.

As far as practical marks should be placed on the same side of a road and if the road is of variable width, connections should be made to both sides of the road - see cl.31(3) Surveying and Spatial Information Regulation 2012.

However, a reference mark need not be placed within 30 metres of another mark - see cl.31(4) Surveying and Spatial Information Regulation 2012.

Rural surveys

Reference marks must be placed so as to refer to each end of the road, to each junction or intersection of the road, and in pairs (suitable for orientation purposes) so that the maximum distance between any two successive reference marks does not exceed 1200 metres - see cl.31(6) Surveying and Spatial Information Regulation 2012.

Extensions to existing roads

All new roads must join an existing road. When reference marks have been placed in the existing road, the surveyor must connect by survey between the existing reference marks and the reference marks placed in the new road. The orientation of the existing series of reference marks must be compared with the orientation of the new series of reference marks and the comparison shown on the plan see cl.31(7) Surveying and Spatial Information Regulation 2012.

Also see Deferred placement of permanent marks page for more information.