Form 01TL
A transfer of lease affecting an expired lease will only be registered where:
- the expired lease is still recorded on the Register;
- the transfer of lease is dated before the expiry date of the lease and:
- the lease expired less than 12 months ago or
- the lease contains a current first option to renew or
- is within 12 months of expiry period or within a current first option to renew term, and is accompanied by a Variation of Lease extending the term.
NOTE: A mortgagee’s consent must be attached if required.
NOTE: This dealing type may be lodged as a Dealing with Exception provided it is accompanied by a completed Lodgment Rules Exception form. In all other instances, the electronic dealing must be used.
NOTE: A transfer of lease affecting a lease carried forward as a subsisting interest, i.e. 'Bk ... No. ... Lease To ...' must be lodged as a Dealing with Exception and must either:
be registered as a deed in the General Register of Deeds and a Request form 11R together with an Old System search showing the party entitled to deal with the lease must be lodged to record the interest. A change in proprietorship must be registered in the General Register of Deeds. NOTE: The Transfer of Lease form 01TL cannot be registered in this instance, or
be accompanied by:
- an Old System search of the leasehold title and
- a statutory declaration made by the person who undertook the Old System search of the leasehold title stating:
- their qualification
- that he or she has inspected all deeds since the leasehold title was created to the present time
- the registered Book and No. and type of all instruments inspected to show the leasehold title has not expired and
- the registered Book and No. and type of all instruments to which the leasehold estate is subject.
A notification (code ULD): 'Devolution of Lease' is entered in the Second Schedule and all further transactions affecting the lease may be lodged on a Real Property Act 1900 form and do not require further evidence of devolution.
These dealings will be referred to the Legal Division for examination.
Dealing type
TL (transfer of lease or sublease)
TM (transfer of mortgage or sub-mortgage)
TC (transfer of charge)
Stamp duty - required for a transfer of lease or sublease.
Any alteration to the consideration must be marked.
Not required for a transfer of mortgage, sub-mortgage, or charge.
NOS form - required for a transfer of a Crown land lease. Panels 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 require completion. Ignore 3A and 4 if the transfer is not for value.
Not required for a transfer of a lease, mortgage or charge.
Standard form of Caveat - prevents registration where the caveat is drawn against the lease, mortgage or charge.
Does not prevent registration where the caveat is drawn against the land.
Priority Notice noted on the Register - see Priority Notice page.
Minister's consent may be required for transfer of a Crown land lease. Where the Minister's consent is required to lease or mortgage, consent is also required to transfer that lease or mortgage. Where the transfer is pursuant to a court order and affects a perpetual leasehold title, the Minister must be notified.
The dealing must not include any reference to the transferor or transferee being a trustee, executor or administrator for another party.
Examination requirements for a transfer of a sublease or sub-mortgage are the same as those for a transfer of lease or mortgage.
A transfer of more than one lease, mortgage or charge involving the same transferor (e.g. the same mortgagee) and transferee is a multiple instrument. Please see the Fees page for further information on fees.
Suitably modified the form may be used to:
- discharge a mortgage of a lease where the mortgagee has been recorded as the lessee and the interest of the mortgagor has been protected by a Registrar General's caveat (registration requirements) or
- transfer a mortgage of lease (including a Crown Land lease) under power of sale (registration requirements).
(A) The registered number of the lease, mortgage or charge being transferred must be stated.
(B) The reference to title for the land affected by the lease, mortgage or charge must be stated. In the case of a transfer of lease affecting a lease folio, the number of the lease folio only must be stated.
A transfer of lease involving part of the land may be registered. It is more common for a sub-lease to be lodged.
(D) The full name of the transferor must be stated and must be identical to the name of the registered proprietor of the lease, mortgage or charge as shown on the Register.
(E) The consideration is optional.
(F) A writ against the lease, mortgage or charge must be noted in the Encumbrances, or the Court must consent to the dealing, or the writ must be removed.
(G) The full name of the transferee must be stated.
For information on a transfer which results in a merger, see a Transfer resulting in a merger.
(H) The tenancy/shares must be stated where there is more than one lessee, mortgagee or chargee. Reference to the tenancy/shares will not be entered on the Register.
(I) The dealing must be executed by the transferor and the transferee and be witnessed, or it may be executed on their behalf as follows:
Attorney and witnessed |
Solicitor or Barrister |
Authorised Officer and witnessed |
Licensed Conveyancer |
Transferor |
Transferee |
Where the dealing is a transfer of lease and the transferor or transferee is the Owners Corporation of a strata scheme, execution must take the form as set out in Strata Schemes Approved Form 23. The following certificates are also required:
Where the transferor or transferee is the association of a community, precinct or neighbourhood scheme, execution must take the form as set out in community title schemes Approved Form 18. a certificate of authorisation being Approved Form 21 and a certificate that the initial period has expired being Approved Form 24 is also required.
For execution by companies, witnessing requirements etc, see Execution of dealing forms page.
(J) This section is to be completed where the notice of sale data (see NOS form above) has been forwarded to NSW LRS through the eNOS facility.
NSW legislation can be accessed at
Staff processing information
If in order proceed with registration except for the following.
Refer to SM99 Where the dealing involves the owners corporation of a strata scheme.
Refer to SD52 Where a joint tenancy is severed.
Refer to SD31 A transfer
- of a perpetual leasehold title pursuant to a court order.
- of lease by National Parks and Wildlife, i.e. Kosciuszko leases
- of a crown lease, e.g. a term Western Lands lease
Refer to SD2 A transfer:
- of lease affecting a title shown in the ITS lease list.
- of a retirement village lease. (SD2 a transfer by an executor must be referred to Legal).
Refer to Legal through the Senior Examining Officer A transfer of lease affecting a Book and No. lease accompanied by evidence of devolution of the lease or, where a notification ‘Devolution of Lease’ is entered in the Second Schedule’.
Registration procedure
Transfer of lease
PRIME CODE code of lease as shown on the Register
PRIME NO. number of lease
SELECT ‘Names’
CODE (name) P, C or Q [name of all current lessees]
COPY & DELETE (SEE [number of Transfer of lease])
SELECT ‘Lease Terms’
PREMISES DESCRIPTION (See [dealing numbers of previous notifications that changed lessee] [number of transfer of lease]). [Premises description if any]
NOTE: Remove all previous dealings that changed lessee and add dealing numbers to the list of dealings in premises description, e.g. (See AA123456 AB456789 AC789123)
Transfer of crown lease
PRIME CODE code of lease as shown on the Register
PRIME NO. number of lease
UCLT (Crown land lease - for NOS purposes)
ULTP (transfer of lease under power of sale)
CODE (name) P, C or Q [name of lessee or mortgagee; include all current lessees or mortgagees].
Transfer of a sub-lease
PRIME CODE code of lease affected by the sub-lease as shown on the Register
PRIME NO. number of lease
SUB CODE code of sub-lease
SUB CODE NO. number of sub-lease
SELECT ‘Names’
CODE (name) P, C or Q [name of all current sub-lessees]
COPY & DELETE (SEE [number of transfer of sub-lease])
SELECT ‘Lease Terms’
PREMISES DESCRIPTION (See [dealing numbers of previous notifications that changed sub-lessee] [number of transfer of sub-lease]). [Premises description if any]
Note: Remove all previous dealings that changed sub-lessee and add dealing numbers to the list of dealings in premises description, e.g. (See AA123456 AB456789 AC789123)
Transfer of a crown sub-lease
PRIME CODE code of lease affected by the sublease or sub-mortgage as shown on the Register
PRIME NO. number of lease
ULT (sublease)
click OK
CODE (name) P, C or Q [name of lessee; include all current lessees]
click Cancel
AFFECTED NO. number of sublease transferred.
Transfer of mortgage
PRIME CODE code of mortgage as shown on the Register
PRIME NO. number of mortgage
NEW PRIME CODE M (where no mortgagee code exists)
MC etc (where a mortgagee code exists in ITS)
CODE (name) P, C or Q where Prime Code M is selected [name of all current mortgagees]
DETAILS (See [dealing numbers of previous notifications that changed mortgagee] [number of Transfer of Mortgage]).
Transfer of charge
PRIME CODE code of charge as shown on the Register
PRIME NO. number of charge
CODE (name) P, C or Q [name of all current chargees].
DETAILS (See [dealing numbers of previous notifications that changed mortgagee] [number of Transfer of Charge]).
Transfer of a sub-mortgage
PRIME CODE code of lease or mortgage affected by the sub-mortgage as shown on the Register
PRIME NO. number of lease or mortgage
SUB CODE code of sub-mortgage
SUB CODE NO. number of sub-mortgage
CODE (name) P, C or Q [name of sub-mortgagee; include all current sub-mortgagees]
DETAILS (See [dealing numbers of previous notifications that changed sub-mortgagee] [number of Transfer of Sub-Mortgage]).
Affecting a Book and No. lease with satisfactory evidence of devolution
PRIME CODE code of lease as shown on the Register
PRIME NUMBER number of lease
SUB-CODE ULD (Devolution of Lease)
Publication Date: March 2024