Form 15CD (PDF 150 KB)
Dealing type - CD
Legislation - s17 Strata Schemes Development Act 2015
Stamp duty - required.
NOS form - required. Panels 1, 2, 3B and 5 require completion
Standard form of Caveat - prevents registration.
Priority Notice noted on the Register - see Priority Notice page.
The folio for the lot being converted must not be subject to any mortgage, lease, charge or caveat.
(A) The references to title for the common property and the lot to be converted must be stated.
(C) The full name of the applicant must be stated. The applicant may be:
- the registered proprietor of the lot(s) to be converted or
- a mortgagee in possession of the lot(s) to be converted. Evidence that the mortgagee is in exclusive possession is required. Note A discharge of the subject mortgage must be lodged in conjunction with the Conversion of Strata Lot to Common Property form, see s17(4) Strata Schemes Development Act 2015.
(D) The lot number(s) to be converted must be stated.
(E) The dealing must be executed by the applicant and be witnessed, or be executed on the applicants behalf as follows:
Attorney and witnessed |
Solicitor or Barrister |
Authorised Officer and witnessed |
Licensed Conveyancer |
Applicant |
In the case of a leasehold strata scheme the dealing must be additionally executed by the lessor of the Strata Scheme. This may be provided on an annexure sheet.
See execution requirements for companies, witnesses etc pages.
(F) The registered number of the Strata plan number must be stated. The date the special resolution was passed and the full name of the person(s) attesting the affixing of the seal pursuant to s273 Strata Schemes Management Act 2015 must be stated. The seal of the Owners Corporation must be affixed.
If the common property folio does not have a recording indicating the initial period has expired, Approved Form 10 must be lodged
(G) This section is to be completed where the notice of sale data (see NOS form above) has been forwarded to NSW LRS through the eNOS facility.
(H) The general manager or an authorised person on behalf of the local council, or the registered certifier must sign the applicable certificate. The full name and capacity of the person signing must be stated.
Council Strata Certificate
A council must complete the council’s strata certificate and strike through the registered certifier’s strata certificate.
- The full name of the Local Council must be stated
- Item 2 and 3 cannot be selected together, strike through inapplicable item
- Insert the date, the planning approval number and the name of the planning authority it was issued by.
- The certificate should be signed by the authorised person or general manager and strike through the inapplicable title. The full name capacity of the person signing must be stated.
Before execution a council must be satisfied that the dealing complies with all the parts of the certificate. Attention is drawn to Section 56 Strata Schemes Development Act 2015.
Registered Certifier Strata Certificate
The registered certifier must be certified for Strata Certification.
An registered certifier must complete the registered certifier’s certificate and strike through the council’s strata certificate.
- The full name of the registered certifier must be stated.
- Insert the date, the planning approval number and the name of the planning authority it was issued by. The registered certifier must insert their accreditation number.
- The certificate should be signed by the registered certifier.
Before execution an registered certifier must be satisfied that the dealing complies with all the parts of the certificate. Attention is drawn to Section 60 Strata Schemes Development Act 2015.
Staff processing information
Refer to SM99
Registration procedure
Converted strata lot
DETAILS Lot Now Converted To Common Property
DELIVERY DETAILS NOCT (a folio of the Register does not issue for the cancelled lot).
Common property
DETAILS Enter the number of Strata plan.
Enter the new Aggregate (new total of unit entitlements).
Select the Lot number of the converted lot, delete the entitlement and enter "No".