Notice of Lapsing of a Strata Renewal Plan affecting a Strata Scheme

To be used to notify the Registrar General that a Strata Renewal Plan has lapsed.

Form 11R (PDF 150 KB)

Dealing type - R

Legislation – s177 Strata Schemes Development Act 2015

Stamp duty - not required

NOS form - Not required

Standard form of Caveat - does not prevent registration.

Priority Notice noted on the Register - see Priority Notice page.

(B) The reference to title for the common property of the strata scheme must be stated.

(E) The Applicant must be 'The Owners - Strata Plan No. [registered number of the Strata plan].

(F) A short description of the nature of the request must be given, e.g. Request to record the lapsing of a strata renewal plan for the strata scheme.

(G) Full details of the request must be provided, e.g. Pursuant to section 177 Strata Schemes Development Act 2015, the Applicant requests the Registrar General to record that on (DD/MM/YYYY) the Strata Renewal Plan for the strata scheme lapsed in the following circumstances (choose one only):

(a) the owners corporation decided not to give the strata renewal plan to the owners for their consideration.

(b) the required level of support for the strata renewal plan had not been obtained within 3 months after the day the owners corporation decided to give the plan to the owners for their consideration.

(c) the owners corporation  decided not to apply to the Court for an order to give effect to the plan.

(d) an application was made to the Court for an order to give effect to the strata renewal plan but the Court decided not to make the order.

(H) The dealing must be executed by the Applicant Owners Corporation. Execution must take the form as set out in Strata Schemes Approved Form 23.

Staff processing

If in order proceed with registration.

Registration procedure



Strata Renewal plan notification must be removed where recorded on title



PRIME NO.    number of Strata Renewal Plan