Leasehold estate folios

While all leases technically create a leasehold estate, it is NSW LRS practice to treat leases as interests in the land and record them in the Second Schedule where possible. Pursuant to section 32(3) Real Property Act 1900 a leasehold estate folio may be created if the Registrar-General thinks fit to do so for a lease:

  • at the request of the lessor or
  • to facilitate the registration of leases and subleases on the title for a property containing numerous shops, suites, units, warehouse spaces etc.

NOTE: If a leasehold estate folio is intended to be created, a plan of the land may be required to be lodged for registration. The plan may need to be a plan of survey.

A folio is also created for the estate in fee simple. A folio is issued for the leasehold estate and for the estate in fee simple.

All notifications affecting the head lease are recorded on the leasehold estate folio. The type of dealing to be used with a leasehold estate folio is determined by the Schedule affected, e.g. a transfer of the lease must be drawn on a Transfer form because the lessee is shown in the First Schedule.

NOTE: A Transfer of Lease form suitably modified will be accepted; a mortgage of lease must be drawn on the National Mortgage form.

A sublease is recorded as a lease of the leasehold estate. All notifications affecting the estate in fee simple are recorded on the fee simple folio.

NOTE: When dealing with a leasehold folio, the related fee simple folio must also be checked, especially for caveats.

Leasehold Strata Schemes

Where a Strata scheme is registered on a leasehold folio, folios for the common property and the lots in a Strata scheme are created. A folio is also created for the estate in fee simple. Folios are issued for the lots in the leasehold Strata scheme, the common property, and for the estate in fee simple.  The fee simple folio is in the name of the registered proprietor.

The requirements for dealings affecting leasehold estate folios, and Strata schemes in general apply to these folios. 

NOTE: The Strata scheme is terminated on the expiry of the lease.

For more information on Leasehold Strata Schemes, refer to Leasehold strata plan.

Publication Date: August 2024